Strategies and came across search engine, optimization And after hours of learning.

The only thing I came out with is that SEO is the key to natural and scalable growth, But I was a busy guy making four hundred Bucks a week, So I did what all entrepreneurs are supposed to do. I hired an agency. Two weeks later, the agency disappeared and I was angry, So I mustered up my energy and decided to Learn SEO myself Fast-forward almost eleven years and I’ve Been able to rank sites, sell them for profits, and here I am creating SEO tutorials for One of the biggest SEO tools out there Now eleven years is a long time to learn SEO.

So today, I’m going to share with you how I would do things differently, so you can get a shortcut to higher rankings and more traffic Stay tuned. What’s up aspiring SEOs Sam, Oh here with Ahrefs the SEO tool that Helps you grow your search traffic research, your competitors and dominate your niche Welcome to the world of SEO the place where Nothing is certain and so called SEO. Experts are preaching completely different things.

It’s a crowded and noisy space where it’s Easy to get information overload from so many conflicting tactics and strategies And if you’re spending the majority of your time, Reading and consuming guides on how to do SEO. Then you won’t have time to actually try it. And become dangerous, And for that reason this tutorial is going To highlight some of the principles that I think are absolutely critical to learn SEO fast and effectively, Let’s get to it Now.

The first thing you need to do is nail The fundamentals – Let’s say you wanted to learn how to drive a car Before you can get to things like drifting, You need to learn the rules of the road. You need to learn how to start the car, accelerate and gradually hit the brakes to come to a smooth stop. Without these fundamentals, you wouldn’t even Be able to get from point A to point B And SEO is the same.

You need to nail the fundamentals before you Can generate meaningful traffic to your site through search engines like Google, So the two SEO fundamentals you should learn: Are keyword, research and on-page SEO After that can come the basics of technical Seo and a couple of link building strategies Now, rather than going any further into these techniques, I recommend reading some of our step-by-step Tutorials that are all in the description for you.

Alright, so after you’ve nailed the fundamentals, Something I highly recommend doing is getting an internship at a respected agency In the words of Benjamin Franklin, “ Tell me, and I forget Teach me, and I remember, Involve me and I learn.” Now whether you want to build your own authority. Sites or become VP of SEO at a large company the best place to start your career in SEO. Is by getting involved with people who are right there in the trenches And the great thing about agency work? Is that You get the opportunity to work in various industries and on multiple types of websites Rather than Googling or looking to a jobs.

Board for something like “ SEO, internship,” write a list of people or companies. You respect In the industry, These might be people you follow on social media or you might be subscribed to their email newsletters After you have your list take some time to Get on their radar, You can do something as simple as leaving thoughtful comments on their content, because it’ll pay to be a recognizable name and face in their inbox Then reach out with your value proposition.

In how you would be a great fit for their company Now, I do want to note that if you have Zero experience in digital marketing offer to work for free for a few months. Yes, it might be a stretch, but you’ll be getting Valuable experience some hand-held help from someone you respect and an understanding. Of what SEO looks like, as processes Perform, the best that you can learn as much As possible and that internship could very well turn into a paid or permanent position, Another thing I highly recommend is to apply The 80/20 rule to SEO The 80/20 rule also known as the Pareto principle Suggests that roughly 80 % of the effects come from 20 % of the causes And since “ effects,” aren’t going to come.

From reading or reading articles, I suggest you spend 80 % of your time practicing SEO. And 20 % of the time learning If you’re spending more than 20 % of your time. Consuming content you’ll end up wasting time and information overload can paralyze you From doing anything at all And as your knowledge grows, you’ll find that You won’t get distracted by shiny tactics and become hyper-focused on things that will Actually make a difference for your bottom line.

The next thing you should focus on is refining processes rather than searching for shortcuts to methodology. Seth Godin said “ Things that look like shortcuts. Are usually detours disguised as less work.” SEO in itself is a process and tasks, often Require multiple steps, And these so called “ shortcuts”, can often take You two steps back instead of one step forward, So, rather than looking for things that may Violate Google’s Webmaster Guidelines focus on breaking down micro tasks within Your macro tasks and then improving efficiency, For example, if you’re noticing that finding emails Takes up a lot of your time in your link, building process, consider outsourcing that or using the spreadsheet From our 15-minute link building campaign starter Or if you feel like publishing new content, Takes up way too much time then take 10-minutes to research.

Productivity processes for blogging Then try the processes out rather than hiring Writers for $ 10, a pop. The next thing, in my opinion, is one of the Greatest skillsets that all great SEOs have And that’s perseverance SEO requires practice And practice requires perseverance And, like all good things in life, the greatest Things come through failures, The best way to illustrate what I mean is by Using the topic of link building as our example, I can’t even tell you how many times I’ve heard People say things like “ link, building, isn’t important.

” It drived me crazy. Even Google explains that their algorithm Looks at things like the “ quality of content.” And the example they use to define quality is that If other prominent websites link to the page, which is a proven sign that the information Is well trusted On top of that there are numerous industry Studies that show clear positive correlations between the number of unique websites linking to A page and the amount of search traffic the page gets, And the same goes for the number of keyword rankings.

So why so much hate towards link building? Because it’s hard and if you don’t have grit You won’t survive Now. I don’t blame people for hating on link building Afterall. The process usually requires outreach to complete strangers, trying to get them to link to your site. But it’s all about perspective, If you think about it like that yea…, it’s annoying, But if you can think about it as a way to bring something Interesting and valuable to people’s attention.

Those emails are usually welcomed. So, as you try some different SEO-related tasks, Keep your head up Accept rejection instead of feeling down and Take it as a learning experience instead, For example, if I were completely new to link building I’d, send around 50 emails with one approach, Then I’d measure and see how people responded. Based on the number of link, conversions, Then I’d take my learnings and improve on The next 50 emails By analyzing your successes and failures: You’ll always be improving and outreach will become a natural and somewhat fun way to connect.

With other people in your space After you’ve had some practice, the next thing You need to do is prioritize based on the things that are working for you. The last site I sold was in the health niche And throughout 2018 on average. I worked. On the site, for maybe 2 and a half hours per week, Now what worked really well for that site? Was targeting low-competition topics since health is such a huge niche? So, with the limited time I had, I spent most Of that doing, keyword, research, I’d, send a rough outline to a freelance writer Have my editor polish, the article and then finish it off with some on-page SEO work And that alone resulted in more than doubling My organic traffic, In fact, if you look at my link profile, it was Actually declining during that same time period, And it wasn’t until January 2019 that I started Focusing on building links and ranking for more competitive keywords, And shortly after I started the site was bought out.

My point is that you don’t need to do everything. At once, if you’re a one-person team or you’re not fully committed to a project, Instead focus on the things that are working, Within the time you have available And then start branching out to other things, That can help give your organic traffic a boost. Last but not least, SEO is a game of patience. We conducted a study on how long it takes To rank in Google and we found that on average, only 5.

7 % of pages ranked in the top 10 within The first year of being discovered, And what was even more surprising, is that Nearly 75 % of pages never ranked in the top 100 in the first year. Generally speaking, if you’re targeting keywords, That your site can compete for you’ve, nailed the keyword, research and on-page SEO, and you have enough links to be competitive. Then I’d say to give it 6-12 months to rank Now, while SEO is time-consuming.

The rewards Are obviously incredible Free, passive and consistent traffic that Doesn’t fade over time, So my recommendation right now is that if You’re completely new to SEO nail those fundamentals by reading our tutorial on doing keyword, Research for new websites Then actually go and do some keyword, research And after you’ve done that read our tutorial. On doing on-page SEO Then actually go and do some on-page SEO Again.

I’ve linked up all articles in the description. That I think you could massively benefit from so check those out and if you have any questions, Leave one in the comments below And of course, if you enjoyed this article, Make sure to like share and subscribe for more actionable SEO tutorials So keep grinding away. Do more than you read. And I’ll see you in the next tutorial

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That means almost half Of all searches on Google won’t send traffic to any website at all. People are either giving up on searches or they’re getting the answers right then, and there from Google In 2020. I expect that To increase even more, The second big change is That the number of visitors that people are going to Get from organic traffic is going to continue to decline, Sure it’s being made up at the same time, by more people coming Online and using Google, But according to Merkle The total visits produced by organic search fell 6 % Year over year, in Q2 of 2019 And mobile was the one That got hit the hardest Where visit growth dropped.

By 13 % in Q1 of 2019 to 5 % in Q2 of 2019, So in 2020 I would expect The traffic to also go down because that’s the trend, That’s been taking place, Probably not at the same pace, but I would expect it to also go down The third big change that I see. Google is going to be competing. More heavily with Amazon, If you’ve already looked at Shopify their company’s been on a tear right, Shopify right now, at least According to the Wall Street, is the Amazon alternative? It’s your own way for anyone to create their own eCommerce store.

Google this year already or in 2019, has released a Buy on Google feature right: This allows people to Buy eCommerce products directly on Google. I look forward to 2020, which Google will end up making more changes to compete. Directly with Amazon, This should also potentially help people who have their own eCommerce stores, such as people on Shopify, in which they can generate more sales without people going to Their actual website Now, even with the Buy on Google button right now: it’s not perfect, but Again they rolled it out.

I bet you over time. They’re Going to make iterations to make it so good that People don’t even have to go to your website to make any purchases. The fourth change more People are going to get the information that they Need through rich snippets, According to the study by Path Interactive on people aged between 13 and 18, a whopping 40 % get the Information they need from a snippet without clicking through Now.

This doesn’t mean that hey we’re getting less traffic By Google and they’re evil Think of it. This way, A lot of those people are just looking for an answer Sure they could be Coming to your website, but it doesn’t mean they’re Going to buy anything or become a lead anyways Now, when you expand the Age group from 18 to 30, 20 % get what they need from a snippet without clicking through Some industries have already Been disrupted by this trend, Other industries haven’t yet, But Google is going to continually Make more and more changes like this to keep giving People a better experience, For example, with flights If I put in a flight number, Google will show me if That flight’s delayed, if it’s on time They even have a nice pretty Map to go along with it You’re going to see Google making more changes than in just flights, because they’ve had this for a while Whether it’s hotel Availability or it’s weather, they’re, going to continually Expand this into other areas like they have with lyrics And things like that and definitions, so That way, people can get what they’re looking for Without having to go to a site, For example, I’m a big basketball fan.

So when I’m lookin’ up the latest scores on, let’s say the Lakers, I Don’t want to go to NBA.Com. Why can’t I just get my answer on Google See. I don’t see this as a bad thing. Nba.Com may get less traffic, but hey I’m already reading the TV I’m already on that television blog looking at the Lakers game. Or any other sports game and I’m looking up scores. So when I’m doing this, they Already have my attention, but why do I need to Keep going to websites And you’re going to see that You may lose traffic and sure sometimes people may Not have your attention like the NBA or NFL or any Of these sports league, but here’s the thing a lot of the times.

Google is providing the answers to people a lot of the times. They’re Trying to help them out they’re, improving the user experience By them, improving the user experience sure you may get less traffic, but A by Google providing Better experience, more people are going to be using Google, which should help you get more traffic B. More people are also coming online, which also helps you get more traffic And C a lot of those people that Google’s answering the questions for when they land on your website, they’re not buying anything anyways.

So what you’ll see a Trend in 2020, as well, if Google’s answering people’s questions without them going to your website, the traffic you are getting should increase in Conversion rates as well – I don’t want to end things. With you thinking that hey Google is evil, Because they’re not They’re, actually a really good company, They even have amazing perks like giving their employees Discounts and money back if they do things like drive, A Earth-friendly car right, Which is nice, so I want To give you five tips to help you with all The changes that Google is about to make The first tip I have for you is to become a master at Uncovering search intent, Look most marketers are Just looking for keywords that they should target It’s not about keywords: It’s about problems When someone searches for something a lot of times.

They have questions they’re, looking for comparisons right, Comparing one business to another, to figure out hey what Product or service should I buy So you can use Uber Suggest for that. Uber Suggest will show You all the questions, propositions and comparisons. People are typing in related to your field. This will help you Better figure out intent So now that when you’re Targeting keywords: it’s not just about traffic, it’s about getting the right traffic, so those visitors convert The second tip I have for You is increase your CTR Write, compelling titles, It’s all about getting people To click on your listing Heck, even if you’re not at the top, it doesn’t mean that you Can’t get more clicks than the listing above you, You can do things like Creating a compelling title using keywords in your title: that your competition isn’t using.

Writing amazing meta descriptions that people want to Click through and read, You can also use breadcrumb Mark-Up that helps – And you can also use tools like ClickFlow that’ll help you optimize your title tag and they have a free solution as well. So that way you can get the more clicks Next tip explore schema Mark-Ups as much as you can Schema mark-ups helps Your listing stands out, For example, on the NeilPatel.

Com site. I use the FAQ schema quite often So when you search for Terms like digital marketing you’ll see an indentation with Frequently asked questions that I answer right then, and there And people are like Neil Why would you do this? Less people are going To go to your website, That’s actually helped Me improve my rankings and overall get more clicks to my website. The fourth tip I have for you work on building a loyal audience.

So that way you can keep them Coming back to your website, That’s why I use email opt-in, So I use tools like Hello Bar to get people to opt in to my list And every time I have a new Blog post new feature update, I send them a blast. I use tools like Subscribers. For push notifications, because every time I have a new blog post new article, new podcast I can send out a push, get more people back to my website.

I’r leveraging social Blogs even chat bots Like MiniChat or MobileMonkey. These are all ways for me to get more people back to my site And the fifth tip I have for you adopt a omni blog approach. You don’t want to just rely. On SEO or paid advertising or social media or content marketing, You want to look at everything When you combine everything. And use it together, you’ll notice that your CPAs go down.

Plus people see you more often The rule of seven in marketing. When someone sees you seven times, they’re much more likely to convert, And this will help you build a brand If you need help with your marketing and preparing for the future, for all the changes Google’s Going to continually make check out my ad agency Neil Patel Digital, If you have any questions, Leave a comment below and I’ll answer and I’ll help you out Make sure you, like this article Subscribe to the blog Tell other people about it.

Thank you for reading

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That means almost half Of all searches on Google won’t send traffic to any website at all. People are either giving up on searches or they’re getting the answers right then, and there from Google In 2020. I expect that To increase even more, The second big change is That the number of visitors that people are going to Get from organic traffic is going to continue to decline, Sure it’s being made up at the same time, by more people coming Online and using Google, But according to Merkle The total visits produced by organic search fell 6 % Year over year, in Q2 of 2019 And mobile was the one That got hit the hardest Where visit growth dropped.

By 13 % in Q1 of 2019 to 5 % in Q2 of 2019, So in 2020 I would expect The traffic to also go down because that’s the trend, That’s been taking place, Probably not at the same pace, but I would expect it to also go down The third big change that I see. Google is going to be competing. More heavily with Amazon, If you’ve already looked at Shopify their company’s been on a tear right, Shopify right now, at least According to the Wall Street, is the Amazon alternative? It’s your own way for anyone to create their own eCommerce store.

Google this year already or in 2019, has released a Buy on Google feature right: This allows people to Buy eCommerce products directly on Google. I look forward to 2020, which Google will end up making more changes to compete. Directly with Amazon, This should also potentially help people who have their own eCommerce stores, such as people on Shopify, in which they can generate more sales without people going to Their actual website Now, even with the Buy on Google button right now: it’s not perfect, but Again they rolled it out.

I bet you over time. They’re Going to make iterations to make it so good that People don’t even have to go to your website to make any purchases. The fourth change more People are going to get the information that they Need through rich snippets, According to the study by Path Interactive on people aged between 13 and 18, a whopping 40 % get the Information they need from a snippet without clicking through Now.

This doesn’t mean that hey we’re getting less traffic By Google and they’re evil Think of it. This way, A lot of those people are just looking for an answer Sure they could be Coming to your website, but it doesn’t mean they’re Going to buy anything or become a lead anyways Now, when you expand the Age group from 18 to 30, 20 % get what they need from a snippet without clicking through Some industries have already Been disrupted by this trend, Other industries haven’t yet, But Google is going to continually Make more and more changes like this to keep giving People a better experience, For example, with flights If I put in a flight number, Google will show me if That flight’s delayed, if it’s on time They even have a nice pretty Map to go along with it You’re going to see Google making more changes than in just flights, because they’ve had this for a while Whether it’s hotel Availability or it’s weather, they’re, going to continually Expand this into other areas like they have with lyrics And things like that and definitions, so That way, people can get what they’re looking for Without having to go to a site, For example, I’m a big basketball fan.

So when I’m lookin’ up the latest scores on, let’s say the Lakers, I Don’t want to go to NBA.Com. Why can’t I just get my answer on Google See. I don’t see this as a bad thing. Nba.Com may get less traffic, but hey I’m already reading the TV I’m already on that television blog looking at the Lakers game. Or any other sports game and I’m looking up scores. So when I’m doing this, they Already have my attention, but why do I need to Keep going to websites And you’re going to see that You may lose traffic and sure sometimes people may Not have your attention like the NBA or NFL or any Of these sports league, but here’s the thing a lot of the times.

Google is providing the answers to people a lot of the times. They’re Trying to help them out they’re, improving the user experience By them, improving the user experience sure you may get less traffic, but A by Google providing Better experience, more people are going to be using Google, which should help you get more traffic B. More people are also coming online, which also helps you get more traffic And C a lot of those people that Google’s answering the questions for when they land on your website, they’re not buying anything anyways.

So what you’ll see a Trend in 2020, as well, if Google’s answering people’s questions without them going to your website, the traffic you are getting should increase in Conversion rates as well – I don’t want to end things. With you thinking that hey Google is evil, Because they’re not They’re, actually a really good company, They even have amazing perks like giving their employees Discounts and money back if they do things like drive, A Earth-friendly car right, Which is nice, so I want To give you five tips to help you with all The changes that Google is about to make The first tip I have for you is to become a master at Uncovering search intent, Look most marketers are Just looking for keywords that they should target It’s not about keywords: It’s about problems When someone searches for something a lot of times.

They have questions they’re, looking for comparisons right, Comparing one business to another, to figure out hey what Product or service should I buy So you can use Uber Suggest for that. Uber Suggest will show You all the questions, propositions and comparisons. People are typing in related to your field. This will help you Better figure out intent So now that when you’re Targeting keywords: it’s not just about traffic, it’s about getting the right traffic, so those visitors convert The second tip I have for You is increase your CTR Write, compelling titles, It’s all about getting people To click on your listing Heck, even if you’re not at the top, it doesn’t mean that you Can’t get more clicks than the listing above you, You can do things like Creating a compelling title using keywords in your title: that your competition isn’t using.

Writing amazing meta descriptions that people want to Click through and read, You can also use breadcrumb Mark-Up that helps – And you can also use tools like ClickFlow that’ll help you optimize your title tag and they have a free solution as well. So that way you can get the more clicks Next tip explore schema Mark-Ups as much as you can Schema mark-ups helps Your listing stands out, For example, on the NeilPatel.

Com site. I use the FAQ schema quite often So when you search for Terms like digital marketing you’ll see an indentation with Frequently asked questions that I answer right then, and there And people are like Neil Why would you do this? Less people are going To go to your website, That’s actually helped Me improve my rankings and overall get more clicks to my website. The fourth tip I have for you work on building a loyal audience.

So that way you can keep them Coming back to your website, That’s why I use email opt-in, So I use tools like Hello Bar to get people to opt in to my list And every time I have a new Blog post new feature update, I send them a blast. I use tools like Subscribers. For push notifications, because every time I have a new blog post new article, new podcast I can send out a push, get more people back to my website.

I’r leveraging social Blogs even chat bots Like MiniChat or MobileMonkey. These are all ways for me to get more people back to my site And the fifth tip I have for you adopt a omni blog approach. You don’t want to just rely. On SEO or paid advertising or social media or content marketing, You want to look at everything When you combine everything. And use it together, you’ll notice that your CPAs go down.

Plus people see you more often The rule of seven in marketing. When someone sees you seven times, they’re much more likely to convert, And this will help you build a brand If you need help with your marketing and preparing for the future, for all the changes Google’s Going to continually make check out my ad agency Neil Patel Digital, If you have any questions, Leave a comment below and I’ll answer and I’ll help you out Make sure you, like this article Subscribe to the blog Tell other people about it.

Thank you for reading

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Are you ever supposed to copy their content? Plagiarism is not only unethical, it’s wrong, it’s it’s illegal. So what I’m talking about is the structure of their content, not the written content itself. We as great content, marketers and affiliate marketers, are always putting out 100 % unique content that is expert written and it’s better than everything else online, because that is a prerequisite with that said, let’s jump on the computer and get started so you have to have a Keyword researched at this point, we have to have a target keyword that we’re going after okay.

So, if you don’t know how to do keywords were in my favorite keyword tool at miles better calm for /kw finder. If you don’t know how to do keyword, research. Well, I’ve got articles that teach that so you can just go to youtube.Com and the top navigation bar you type in my name miles Bechtler and you’ll see all of the different things that YouTube knows. I’ve got a ton of articles on, and one of the top here is keyword research.

You can just click on that. I’ve got free tools and paid tools. I’ll teach you everything you need to get that going now. Once we have our keyword phrase, the other tool we need is called SEO minion – and this is a Google Chrome extension. So in Google, just search SEO, minion, Chrome extension and you’ll see the chrome google.Com on to your browser. Yours won’t say: remove from chrome, it’ll, say, install to Chrome and once it’s installed, you get this little minion icon in the top corner.

That is a prerequisite. This is the free SEO tool that you’re going to be using, and then we go back to Google. So my target keyword phrase is best ping-pong paddle. You can see it gets about 5,000 searches per month on average and it has a low keyword. Difficulty score again. You have to become a master of keyword. Research, if you really want to dominate in the game of search engine optimization and to drive traffic from Google, so the next step, what we do is we go search, this keyword, phrase: okay, so we’re going to go.

Look at what Google thinks deserves the top spots. Google is showing us right here plain as day clear as day. These are the top posts that are ranking on Google. Why? Because they’re optimized the best they’re better optimized than any of the other posts. Now, what you’ll find in these kinds of search engine results is often two types of content with three types, so number one is unique: independent bloggers, like you and me number two would be big-time like media sites, Huffington, Post Business, Insider, big magazines, Popular Mechanics, Forbes, Wired, Etc and then number three is the e-commerce, the the Amazons of the world and in the Walmarts, etc.

We only utilize this process on the independent bloggers content. Okay, so you have to you’re looking because that’s your actual competition as a blogger, as kind of a bootstrap digital entrepreneur. Now on this page there pretty much, that’s what they all are. So here’s what I do I’m going to we’re going to go through the process together. First, I get a spreadsheet in the spreadsheet. I have my keyword phrase and then I’ve got a few extra columns.

Word count. H2. H3. H4. The number of keywords in content – and that’s it you’re, going to want to repeat this process for probably the top 7 to 10 results that are showing up for your target keyword. Phrase I’m going to do it for like three of them, because I don’t wan na waste your time, it’s the same process multiplied over and the average of all seven to ten that you pull that it. Those are your marching orders.

That is what you build. Your post around, that is, how you craft your post. That is the secret: that’s what we’re getting from our competitors. So what I’m going to do is I’m going to hold ctrl and I’m going to click to open a few of these and I’m just looking so the first one, let’s see was that pong boss right there, so best ping-pong tables dot review. Then we have pong boss and then we have ping pong perfect ping pong ruler blurred of some of these other names.

I love it ping that pong com. Oh my gosh, I just found my favorite new niche example. Ever so again, you would be doing this for, like five seven ten of these, because the more data you get the better you’re going to understand. First thing: I’m doing is I’m going to look through this. Is this what I think it is a review based piece of content that I’m going after it is now the same process works if you’re, not an affiliate, marketer works, the exact same just browsing another review piece of content.

Perfect! That’s what I’d be writing for this? So I want to make sure that I’m doing exactly what Google is already showing, and indeed they are so now we actually load the SEO minion. So I just with the page open, I click on the little minion icon and then I click analyze on-page SEO and I’m actually going to do that for each of these different ones. I have open I’m going to get them all to the same place.

So I can flip through them, nice and quickly. So now as I go through, I’ve got the data. So what SEO minion does is it looks at the code behind the content? Okay, again, we’re not copying content plagiarizing is illegal. It’s wrong. It’s unethical immoral, but their code base the structure, how many headings in the order of things? Oh, that’s, fair game and that’s what we’re after, because that’s what Google sees Google’s algorithm is a mathematical algorithm and is looking at numbers numerical values.

How many words does it have? How many times does they have the keyword in there? How many headings do they have how many h2s, how many H, 3s, etc, etc, etc? So when we go find what is currently working on Google – and we replicate that on our post, the likelihood of us ranking goes through the roof versus completely winging it and absolutely just making it up and pulling it out of thin air. Obviously, data-driven decisions and business are going to get you farther than pulling things out of your ear or other parts that you don’t need to be pulling things out of.

So, let’s move on with this. The first thing is we’re looking at word count, so I can see on this first one it’s right below the URL three thousand five hundred and sixty-four words on this one, so obviously we’ll plug that in so 35 64 and then I go on to the next One, so I want to open the next one and I’ve got 37 58 and then the next one. The final one here is 46. 42. Now again, you want to do this for 7 to 10, I’m doing it for 3, because it’s enough to give us an example and I’m not going to waste your time, you’re not doing it for just 3 get it got.

It good hit me in the comments. If you get it the next one, we’re after is the h2s, so this is one of the most valuable parts of this plug-in. When you scroll down, you notice this headings area and I’m going to click, show all headings and they have two ways to sort it. Okay, there a sort by type and then there’s the no sorting option, sort by type groups them all together. So it’s going to let you quickly see how many h1s, how many h2s, how many H threes the no sorting leaves them in the order of how they show up here on the page.

So if you’re wondering like okay, what’s this quick navigation thing, you can scroll down and see where it actually has those words, so you can understand what pieces relate where, but for the purposes of what we’re doing here, we want to go sort by type and what You really truly want to do here is just get the numbers now. The h1 is what they start. You notice I’m not tracking the h1. You always want one h1.

You only want one h1, there’s never a time when you want to have two h1s. So it’s just not something I’m going to track because we just want one. So what we’re looking at is how many h2s. So on this first post we have five h2s, so I’m going to go plug in the number five four h2s I’m going to do to my second post, I’m going to scroll down I’m going to show all headlines, it’s sort by type, and this one has four H2S and then the third one I’m going to go through and I’m going to look down and the third one has five h2s perfect.

Next we’re going to go to the h3 s. Oh, you know what I did the third one twice. Let me see here h2s this one has three: I got those numbers a little mixed up, but that’s alright we’re doing this on the fly together. Ladies in general, the first time I’m actually doing this with you guys. So the h3 is how many H threes are on this one. So I’ve got essentially from number five to 19, so there’s 14 h3 s and there are zero, H fours.

I can see that already on this one going on to the next one scroll down how many H threes are there from number six to number 17, so that’s 11 might be 12 close enough. Do the math count them correctly? I’r trying to be efficient for you here and then H, fours, how many H fours do they have here, 5 H, fours, perfect and then the H 3 is on this last one and we’re almost done here. Okay, so I’ve got the data.

For my word count. My h2 h3 h4 s, the next. We need to figure out how many times is our keyword repeated in the content itself. So what I do is I go copy, my keyword here and I’m going to load up the post itself, I’m going to close SEO minion in case it’s inside of there. I don’t want to pull that data, I’m going to click on it. I’r going to ctrl. F for find ctrl V, I paste – and I can see here it is repeated five times on this first one bingo and then on the second one I’m going to do the same process.

I got to close this five times on this one and the third one same process three times for this one. Now we want the averages and the way averages, work, mathematics and statistics, and all of that me having three examples is going to leave a wider, wider variation for abnormalities to mess up my data, that’s why you want seven to ten examples of bloggers like you who Are already ranking you’ll get cleaner data with a larger sample size, I’m just doing this for speed and efficiency.

So all I do is, I click on the cell below I’m going to hit my auto sum: choose average it automatically pulls the average for me, and I can just drag this cell over and I’m going to get the average of all of them and right there In this bottom column, I now have my marching orders my instructions. This is exactly what I need to have to be right in that parity to be right in that exact range that Google has already shown.

Google gives top rankings to sites that look like this, based on statistical data on average, they have about three thousand nine hundred and eighty-eight words for being in the top three. On average, they have four h2s for being in a top three. They have it. On average, 16 H, threes and about four point, six, five or so H, fours and they each say the exact keyword phrase about four times give or take okay.

Now these are not hard set numbers. You could be within 10 % range on either side and you’ll still be perfectly within this range and, as you get more data points, as you get more examples inside with what you’re working with more examples of the data sets, so you get instead of three. You have five seven ten different websites, the num we’ll be more reliable and again, Google is looking at the Qualls trying to understand the quality of content.

They’ve got their whole NLP program. That’s running this natural language processing Google’s trying to learn how good, how valuable is the content that you’re writing, but, let’s be real. The Google algorithm looks at data. It’s a math based algorithm and they’re. Looking at how many words, how many times do they repeat the word in there, if you have too many you’re over optimized, if you have too few you’re under optimize, if you have too few pieces of too few words, if you have 500 words – and everybody else Has 3,000 you’re clearly not in the range that Google wants to see if you’ve got 10,000 words and everyone else has 3,000 you’re, clearly not in the range that Google wants to see if everyone has an average of 5 h2s and you’ve got 23 h2s on your Post you’re over optimized you’re not going to get that real estate at the top of Google because you’re not in parity, and that is the secret.

So what do you do from here? That’s the big question. So the next step is you need to write your post. You need to take all of these ideas that you’ve just learned and you need to structure them into an outline, because you know how many words you know how many main points and how many sub points h2s h3 is an h4. So those are your main points in your sub points. So how do you figure that out? Well, let me show you the next step once you’re done here, you go back to youtube.

Com and you want to search at the top miles Beckler how to write review post fast now. This is, if you a review post as if you’re a direct affiliate marketer. If you’re, just a Content marketer because you’ve got like a membership program or you’ve got your own online courses, you want to read this or read the how to create content fast that ranks for Google. This one up here is for affiliates and that’s the next step.

I’ll have the article pop up on the end screen click that cuz now you’re ready to actually build and write your content, and then you publish it with all your h2s. Your h3 is the right word count you’ll, be amazed at your results. Thank you very much for your time today. I do appreciate you any questions or comments get at me below thumbs up like I appreciate you and I look forward to connecting with you on the next article until then be well

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Google rankings For competitive keywords, like Keyword, Research, Tools and SEO Campaign – I’m Brian Dean, the founder of Backlinko and in this article I’m Going to walk you through my entire SEO checklist step-by-step keep reading. When I first got started with SEO, I had no idea what I was doing So I started to search for things like how to get higher Google rankings and how to SEO my site and Despite following all the advice that I read, my traffic didn’t budge, It was really frustrating (, growls ).

I hate you, Google. Today my site brings In hundreds of thousands of visits per month, mostly from Google and major media sites, like Entrepreneur, have called me “ an SEO genius” My secret. I developed a repeatable, step-by-step SEO process and that’s exactly what I’m Going to share with you right now, So let’s kick things off with Step. # 1 of this SEO, Checklist Set Up Essential SEO Tools and Plugins.

Your first step is to Make sure that you have three important SEO tools: Set up and ready to go The first tool that Every site needs to have is the Google Search Console This tool makes it super easy to track your site’s Performance in Google, It can also help you find Technical SEO problems that are holding you back, But most important of all the Search Console shows You, the exact keywords that you rank for and Where you rank for them and unlike third party tools, this data comes straight from Google, so you know it’s legit.

The next tool you wan na Set up is Google Analytics. Google Analytics is the best way to see how people find And use your website, but that’s just scratching the surface With Google Analytics you Can do all sorts of cool stuff like find pages on your Site that bring you traffic identify the exact websites That send you traffic, your site’s Bounce Rate, Paid Views and Time on Site and lots more. Finally, if your site runs on WordPress, you need to install the Yoast SEO.

Plugin Yoast is by far the most popular Seo plugin on the planet and for good reason, Yoast makes it super easy. To make your WordPress site SEO friendly right, outta the box, And now it’s time for the Second, step in this Checklist Find Keywords That Customers Search For It’s no secret; that keyword Research is super important. The question is: how do you find keywords that your customers search for Here are three simple techniques? First find long tail, Keywords with Google Suggest To use this technique type The keyword into Google, but don’t press, enter Or the search button Instead take a look at the Keywords that Google shows you Google only suggests keywords that people are actually searching for.

So when you see a Google Search suggestion you know that lots of people Are searching for that term Next find keywords with The Google Keyword Planner, The Google Keyword Planner – is Google’s official Keyword, research tool: This tool is technically Designed for Google ads, but it’s still super useful For SEO keyword, research To use it just enter a seed keyword and check out the suggestions. That the tool spits out – That’s all there is to it Finally spy on online communities.

Fortunately, this isn’t As creepy as it sounds, I’m talking about reading Threads on sites like reddit, Quora and online forums, All you need to do is Head over to the community and find questions that Crop up again and again, For example, I noticed that A big chunk of the threads on the Paleo sub-reddit are all about Paleo and Keto desserts. So if you ran a site in the Paleo niche terms like best Paleo, desserts and Keto, friendly desserts would be great keywords to target With that, let’s jump into Step.

# 3 Keyword-Optimize, Your Content, So you’ve installed all Of the important SEO tools and you’ve found a handful of keywords Now, it’s time to actually Optimize your site, Here’s how first use your keyword in the first 100 words of your page, Google puts more weight on terms that show up at the top of your page, so make sure you use Your keyword once here, For example, on this post For my site, you can see that I use the term SEO Tools right off the bat Next use your keyword in the Beginning of your title tag Just like with your page’s content, Google puts a little bit of extra weight on terms that show up Early in your title tag, For example, my main keyword for this post is SEO case study and, as you can see, my title tag starts off with that keyword.

Third use short URLs that Include your target keyword: Why is this important? Well, a recent SEO industry study found a correlation between short URLs and higher Google rankings, so you’ll wan na keep your Urls short and sweet, For example, this post on my site uses a super short URL, and that short URL is one of the main reasons that this page ranks number one in Google for my target keyword SEO techniques Last up, you wan na use your keyword in A H1 H2 or H3 tag Honestly H-tags aren’t Really that important, but every little bit helps Especially if you’re trying to target competitive keywords, For example, my main keyword for this page is Content Marketing Tools.

So I use that exact keyword inside of an H2 tag, simple Moving right along. Let’s Quickly blast through the fourth step in this SEO, checklist Find and Fix Technical Seo Issues and Errors. The truth is technical SEO. Problems can tank your rankings, so if your site has Technical SEO problems you’ll wan na find and fix ‘Em right away, here’s how First make sure that your Site is mobile-friendly, As you might’ve heard, Google now runs on a mobile-first index.

Which means if your site isn’t optimized for mobile Devices it won’t rank What the heck. I can’t click anything. Fortunately, you can easily see your site’s mobile-friendliness with the Google Mobile-Friendly Test Just pop in a page from your Site and Google will tell you whether or not your Page is mobile-friendly Next ID crawl errors. A crawl error just means That Google is having trouble indexing all the content on your site and if they can’t index your page, it’s not going to rank.

You can easily find crawl errors in the Google Search Console. Using the Coverage Report Finally improve your site’s page speed. Your site’s loading speed is A confirmed, ranking factor Now to be clear. In my experience, page loading speed isn’t going to Make or break your rankings, but in general the faster Your site loads, the better To evaluate your site’s loading, speed check out Google’s PageSpeed Insights and WebPageTest.

Org Both tools give you a benchmark for how quickly your site loads. They also hook you up with recommendations to help you speed things up nice And now it’s time for our next step, Create Content Designed to Rank in Google, There’s no denying it if You wan na rank in Google. You need to publish great content, but what is great content exactly Uh? It’s content, that’s great. In my mind. Great content is content that actually ranks in Google, and now I’m going to show you exactly how to create the type of content that ranks on the first page of Google.

First create awesome content, With the Skyscraper Technique, The Skyscraper Technique – Is a three-step formula for creating amazing content? In fact, I used this technique to double my search engine. Traffic in two weeks, Here’s the three-step process First find a piece of content in your industry. That’s popular Next create something even better and finally promote that content. For example. Last year, I noticed that lots of people are writing.

About SEO for Ecommerce, so I decided to take what was out there and make something even better. Specifically, I spend 20-plus hours on an 8,000-word post called Ecommerce SEO. The Definitive Guide I promoted this post on social media and using email outreach And this three-step process brought in a massive spike in traffic. It also helped me crack The top three results for my target keyword: Ecommerce SEO; Second, break your Content down into chunks, because here’s the truth, No one and I mean no one likes reading giant walls of text like this.

That’s why I always break Things down into chunks, because it makes my content Super easy to read and skim and because my content is easy to read my Bounce Rate, a key Google ranking factor is super low. More on that later, Next make sure to cover everything there is to Know about your topic When I recently analyzed over a million Google search Results: one thing was clear: Content that covers an Entire topic in depth ranks above content that Only covers part of a topic, For example.

Remember that Ecommerce guide I mentioned earlier Well that ultimate guide could’ve been a lame blog post, like five Ways to get high rankings for your Ecommerce site, but I decided to create something that covered everything there is to know about optimizing. Ecommerce, Sites which helped my page hit the first page of Google, in record time, Besides making your content in-depth, you also wan na use lots of Multimedia on your page, I’m talkin’ about stuff Like images polls, visual content, articles, Charts and infographics, For example, I use lots of screenshots visuals and articles in Pretty much every post.

Finally, you want to double down on content formats that Are working best right now, I recently teamed up with BuzzSumo to analyze almost one billion blog posts. So what did we find? Well, there was some good News and some bad news: Let’s get the bad news outta the way The bad news is that most Content is completely ignored. In fact, we found that 94 % Of all published content gets zero external links, That’s right, zero.

Now for the good news, There are certain content formats that attract more backlinks than others. We found that why-posts what-posts and infographics get Significantly more backlinks than other content formats, For example this. Why Post has been linked to over 50,000 times. Obviously, you can’t Just publish a why-post or an infographic and Expect the links to roll in, but our data shows that sticking to these three content – Formats can increase the odds that people link to your stuff.

Speaking of links, it’s Time for the last step in this checklist Build Links to Your Website So are backlinks still important for SEO Heck yeah. In fact, a recent study by Stone Temple Consulting Found that backlinks are still one of Google’s most Important ranking factors The bottom line, if you’re serious about ranking in Google You need backlinks and lem me walk you through a handful of link-building strategies that are working great right now.

First, up build backlinks, Using link roundups Link roundups are one of My all-time favorite ways to get backlinks. Why? Because the entire point of a roundup is to link to amazing content. So if you publish something Amazing on your site, there’s a good chance that you could get a link from a roundup. For example, here’s a roundup In the marketing space They link to the best content about SEO and content marketing that came out over the last week or so Lucky.

For me, I had recently published a giant guide to SEO and because my post was a good fit for their roundup, they happily linked to me Next build links using Strategic guest posting, So why do I say: strategic guest posting and not just guest posting? It’s not to sound smart! That’s because guest posting can work, but you need to be strategic about it and if you do guest posting the wrong way, your site can get slapped.

With a Google penalty, So how do you do guest Posting the right way, The right way is to Publish your guest post on a respected site in your niche. The wrong way is to publish guest posts on any website that has A Write For Us page, even if the site has Nothing to do with yours, A good rule of thumb that I follow is to only guest post on sites that are going to send me targeted traffic and related to my site.

For example, here’s a guest post that I published on the Buffer blog Buffer’s blog focuses More on social media and my site is about SEO, but those two topics are related enough. If I publish the same post, On a site about cute cats, that would look shady to Google. Anyway, I got a solid Backlink for my post and it brought in a decent chunk of targeted traffic to my site. The next strategy I wan na show you is to go on podcasts as a guest.

This is one of the most underrated link-building techniques on the planet, Just like with a guest post, You get a nice contextual link from your podcast appearance, but unlike a guest post, There is much less legwork, You don’t need to pitch. Topics or work with an editor Just schedule your interview and show up and provide value. That’s it Because this strategy is so easy. I’ve actually appeared on Over 70 podcast episodes over the last few years.

Last up, we have the age-old strategy of mentioning influencers in your content. This process couldn’t be any simpler. First mention influential Bloggers in your post, Then let’em know about it Seriously. That’s it, For example, a while back. I published this giant list of SEO tools. Now I could’ve published this post and hoped and prayed that People actually see it, so I decided to be proactive, So I reached out to each person to let them know that I mentioned them and, as you can see most of the People that I reached out to were happy to share my post Now before we close out this article, it’s time for a quick bonus step Tap Into Advanced SEO.

Techniques and Strategies At this point you’ve got the basics down. So lem me walk you through a handful of advanced SEO tips and strategies that are working really well right. Now, My first advanced SEO tip is to delete what I call zombie pages. Zombie pages are pages on your site that don’t bring in any traffic and, as it turns out, Google hates sites with lots of zombie pages. In fact, a Google employee recently stated that they prefer to rank sites that have a small number Of high quality pages over those that are bloated with lots of pages that Don’t provide any value, That’s why I make sure that every page on my site is awesome.

In fact, Backlinko generates over 300,000 visitors. Per month and to date, I’ve only published around 70, total blog posts. How is this possible? It’s because when it comes to content, I focus 100 % on quality, not quantity. To be clear, you don’t Wan na start deleting pages like a crazy person. This is a process you wan na Do slow and carefully so use Google Analytics To find a handful of pages that don’t generate any traffic, then delete them or redirect Them to another related page, Wait a week or two to see how it goes Then, over the next few months, slowly delete more and more zombie pages.

For example, the team At Proven.Com noticed that they had almost 50,000 pages indexed way more than they thought, As it turned out a lot. Of these extra pages were zombie pages that Didn’t provide any value so they deleted them and thanks to this and a few other SEO, Improvements, they made Proven’s organic traffic. Significantly increased Our next advanced tip is to boost your organic Click-Through rate, As you might’ve heard, Google Pays very close attention to how many people click on Your site in the search results If people skip over your site and click on the other results, your rankings can drop like a stone, but if lots of people Click on your result, Google considers your page a Great result for that keyword and you’ll get a rankings boost.

In fact, a Google document states that “, when you click on a Link in Google Search “ Google considers your click “ when ranking that search result.”. So how do you improve your Organic click-through rate Scan the first page search results for your target keyword and imagine what someone searching for that keyword would want to click on Then optimize. Your Title tag and description to match what a searcher wants to see.

For example, if you search for article SEO you’ll notice that most of the results are guides and tutorials, In other words, people that Search for this keyword don’t want a handful of tips. They want a complete guide and to show people that my Result was a thorough guide. I made sure to include the word guide in my title and description. The last advanced SEO tip I have for you is to keep your content up-to-date Back in the day.

I’d publish a new post and never think about it again and, as time went on my Content got really outdated. I had old screenshots Outdated strategies and overall content that Just looked kinda dated so early last year, I Started a huge project Go back and update every Single post on my site, Like I said earlier, I Only have about 70 posts, but that’s still a lot of content to go through and update.

Fortunately, I didn’t Need to update all 70, I only had to update about 20 posts. So how did it go Well after I’d update a post, I’d notice, a huge spike In search engine traffic, and even though the Traffic eventually dipped, it was still much higher Than before the update, For example, a few months Ago I updated this post, Even though I updated That, post months ago, that page still gets 30 % more organic traffic than before the update, And thanks mostly to These content updates my site’s overall organic Traffic is up 24.

6 %, which means 249,000 more people visit my site. Every Year than before, crazy, So that’s it for my SEO checklist. If you learned something New from today’s article make sure to subscribe to my Youtube blog right now, Just click on the button below this article and if you want exclusive Seo and traffic techniques that I only share with subscribers head over to Backlinko.Com and sign up for the newsletter it’s free Now I wan na turn it over to you Which strategy from this Article are you going to try first, Are you going to update your old content or try link roundups? Let me know by leaving a Comment below right now: Okay, ready! Is he in the shot, ( keyboard clicking ), Here’s my hometown? Okay, I was like who said that ( laughs ), If your site isn’t mobilized, oops, Usually it’s higher at the end, It’s kinda on here.

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Seo for your website, So today I’m going to show you some low-hanging Seo tips that will hopefully give you a boost, even if you’re not an experienced SEO Stay tuned. What’s up SEOs Sam, Oh here with Ahrefs the SEO tool that Helps you grow your search, traffic research, your competitors and dominate your niche.

This tutorial is all about quick, wins, so I’ll cut. The intro short and get straight to the tips, One of the easiest things to do is improve Page speed with lazy load, Lazy loading basically means to defer the loading Of non-critical resources at page load time, In other words, things like images or articles Will only load when they’re visible on the page. This will reduce initial page load time.

Initial Page weight and system resource usage, all of which should positively impact performance. Aside from the fact that page speed is a so-called “ ranking factor,” faster loading pages, provide a better user experience for your visitors and, as a result, Can reduce metrics like bounce rate, If you’re a WordPress user there’s a free, plugin called “ A3 Lazy Load”, which is basically plug-and-play And if you’re not using WordPress, you can Use the intersection observer, API or search for plugins made for your CMS.

The next thing I recommend doing is improving Clickthrough rate for pages ranking on page one I’d say it’s widely accepted in the SEO community. That pages with a higher clickthrough rate can help increase rankings, But even if that was all a myth, it doesn’t really Matter because more clicks equals more visitors, So improving CTR…, never a bad thing Now, since 75 % of users never scroll past The first page of search results.

I recommend focusing on improving CTR for your first-page rankings To do this log in to Google Search, Console and Go to the Search Results or Performance report Make sure to click on the Average CTR and Average Positions boxes, which will add additional data points in the table below Next set a Positions filter to only show keywords. With a ranking position of 10 or lower Finally I’ll sort, the table by impressions in Descending order and also change this filter to show at least 100 keywords per page From here, just skim through the list and Look for keywords that a ) make sense b.

) are not branded terms for other company names c ) have a reasonable number of impressions and d ) have a lower than average clickthrough rate. Alright, so here you’ll see that we rank for “ seo. Strategy” with an average position of around 6 and an average CTR of just 1 % According to AWR’s CTR curve for this position, Ctr should be around 2.8 to 3.5 percent, So I’d probably want to focus on possibly Tweaking the title tag to get more clicks Now, it’s important to note that when optimizing Your title tags, you should be looking for the primary keywords: you’re targeting, For example, SEO strategy is clearly the keyword We’re targeting for this page, We wouldn’t change our title tags to “ SEO.

Marketing strategy content template”, because that’s not what the article is about. Another key point to take note is that Search Console only shows you average positions. This data can sometimes be misleading since Positions can jump in and out of the top 100 or anything in between at any time You can get more precise keyword, ranking positions, Using Ahrefs’ Rank Tracker tool. Alternatively, you can use Ahrefs’ Site Explorer.

To see data on any website Just enter the domain or subfolder. You want To research, Then I’ll go to the Organic Keywords report Next I’ll set a filter to only show pages; Ranking in the top 10, And just like that, we have a list of keywords: With exact ranking positions based on these dates and also have the option to see historical Ranking positions for any keyword – The next tip is one of my favorites and that’s To send emails to everyone you link to With link building, you need to find prospects.

Vet them find their emails and somehow naturally ask them to link to you. But by using this simple 10-minute outreach strategy, it cuts out a lot of steps in the link building process Now, while the intent of the email isn’t to actually Build links it’s a great way to passively earn them and grow your network while you’re at it. Here’s how it works in two steps. Step 1 is to take note of all sites you’re linking to Afterall you’ll, probably only link to pages When you respect their content, Step 2 find their email addresses and just send Them a quick note just to let them know that you’ve linked to them Now, while this doesn’t usually result in Immediate links, it helps, you start a conversation and it can open up opportunities to have Influencers recognize your work, For example, you’ll see in our SEO tips post, That Josh wrote that Buzzstream is the best tool in the industry for managing and keeping Track of scaled outreach campaigns, In this case he could reach out to the blog editor Marketing manager or social media manager and say something like Hey, [, name, ] Long time, Buzzstream user and superfan of your tool Just recommended y’all as the best outreach Tool in our SEO tips article Hope it sends some well-deserved customers.

Your way Cheers Josh From my experience sending conversation starters Without an ask is a great way to increase reply rates And hey if your content is unique and well-written You’ll often get compliments which can open up natural opportunities for you to guest Post or work together on another level, If you plan to try this technique, I recommend Reading our article on using negotiation and persuasion when building links Next up is to add internal links to your new pages Internal linking is important.

It improves. Crawlability gets your pages. Indexed faster improves, topical relevance and distributes PageRank to other pages. So you can rank higher in Google, So what I recommend doing is looking for topically Relevant pages on your site that you can link from immediately after you publish your new post, Just go to Google and search for something like site, yourdomain and then add a keyword. That’s Related to your new page, So in this case you’ll see that the search Results show pages from our blog, that mention the phrase “ link building.

” Then visit relevant pages and look for places. Where you can add links to your new posts Now, if you want to take a little bit more Of a strategic approach, I recommend using Ahrefs’ SEO toolbar, where you can see. The URL rating for each page And URL Rating is an Ahrefs’ metric. Which represents the overall strength of a page’s backlink profile, Since Google doesn’t provide public PageRank Scores anymore, it’s kind of our own way to measure page-level authority, which we’ve found To correlate with search traffic quite nicely, If you want to learn more about funnelling, Pagerank through internal links, I recommend reading our SEO strategy article using The middleman method, The next tip, is to become a power skimmer Of HARO using Gmail filters, HARO stands for “ Help a Reporter Out.

”, It’s a free service where journalists can Ask questions and anyone can respond and be a source for mega publications like The New York Times and Forbes HARO is one of my favorite ways to build authority. Links and it’s something I recommend to everyone at any stage, The thing with this service is that they usually send Three emails per day, which can be quite overwhelming, considering 90 % of the queries probably won’t Be relevant to you So a quick hack to make sure opportunities.

Don’t get missed is to lighten the load with Gmail filters After you’ve created a HARO account just Go to your Inbox and click on the caret to bring down Gmail’s search options. Next set the From field to haro @ helpareporter.Com. Then you’ll want to set the subject to HARO Within square brackets, since all of their emails include that in the subject line Finally set the Has the words field to Any keyword you want to monitor And you can also use the OR search operator To include multiple keywords or phrases, Then click Search to see the results.

Your search, Filters would include and check out some of the emails to ensure you’re getting relevant results If everything looks good. Click on the caret Again and then click Create filter. You’ll then have options to apply labels. Mark it as important or forward it to another team member to take care of The next tip is to perform an annual content audit. A content audit is where you analyze. The performance of all content on your site to see whether it should be kept as-is, updated Deleted consolidated or redirected – And it’s not uncommon to get impressive results.

For example, we did a content audit on Ahrefs’ Blog and got a seven and a half percent increase in traffic. After deleting 31.7 % of our pages, Siege Media saw around a 50 % traffic increase. For one of their clients, after cutting around 15 % of the content from the site And I’ve personally seen a traffic increase, Of 80 %, after deleting 74 % of my pages Now, content audits can take several hours to do, but we’ve actually created a spreadsheet that Automates, a good chunk of the process for you, so you can identify action items in under 10 minutes So rather than explaining everything again, I’ll link up our content audit article, which should help you get started in no time, Finally, is something we practice a lot at Ahrefs and that’s to repurpose.

Your best-performing blog Posts to articles and your best articles to blog posts. Now there are a couple of great reasons to Repurpose your content: First people enjoy different content formats. Based on nothing more than personal preference, Some people, I’ve met at conferences, They tell me that they always read the blog but have never seen a single one of my articles And the same happens for people who’ve readed All of my articles but haven’t read a single post.

People go to blogs, which they prefer and Having both an active blog and YouTube blog allows us to reach more people in the place. They want to learn On top of that, we’re able to consistently Reach a ton of new people every single month, through both blogs, allowing us to passively Generate new leads and customers for our tools. Second, you can own multiple spots in Google Search Since articles are showing up more in Google’s SERPs.

We often try and own as much real estate as possible. For example, if you search for “ seo tutorial,” You’ll likely see my articles as well as our blog post Search for “ how to do keyword, research,,” and You’ll see our image result: three of our articles and our blog post Now the actual work of repurposing content. Can take quite a bit of time, but strategically identifying the topics to repurpose can be done fast.

To put this into perspective, when I started Creating articles for Ahrefs, aside from some initial product-related articles, eight out of my First, 12 articles were repurposed from our blog Now there are generally three ways I decide. On which content to repurpose, The first way is to repurpose blog posts that Are already getting consistent traffic Reason being you can almost guarantee that You’ll get views to your articles.

For example, we get a good amount of traffic To our post on free keyword, research tools, So we embedded our article there just after The introduction, And since we only have the article embedded On one page, we can attribute over 10,000 engaged views from this post alone. Another way to choose repurposable content is based. On search demand on both Google and YouTube, For example, you’ll see in Ahrefs’ Keywords: Explorer that the query “ youtube seo” gets around 12,000 monthly searches on YouTube.

So I repurposed the article into a blog post. Since it gets searched around 17,000 times per month on Google, And today we rank # 1 on YouTube for that keyword. Own a spot in the article carousel on Google and have a top 10 ranking for our blog post. The final way is by using some common sense. A couple of months ago, I repurposed our SEO. Checklist from our blog There’s, decent search demand on Google But basically, no searches on YouTube, But by analyzing other competing articles.

On that topic, I saw that this one was able to generate a ton of views likely through other traffic sources like Suggested articles and browse features So after a few months, we’ve racked up over 35,000 views to this article, A blog post – we probably wouldn’t repurpose Is something like this one on meta robots YouTube? Is both an entertainment, And educational marketing medium And no matter how hard I try to make it Super-Entertaining or actionable, I don’t think, there’s much.

I could do One final tip on repurposing content is to Give the repurposed version a twist rather than directly copying it. What I generally do is look at the subheadings. Of the blog post then put my own spin and angle on the topic, So what you read on our blog won’t be the Exact same as what you see in our articles and vice versa, Now I’d love to hear from you: Do you have any low-hanging SEO Tips you use to improve your SEO.

Let me know in the comments and if you enjoyed This article make sure to like share and subscribe for more actionable SEO and marketing tutorials, So keep grinding away and I’ll see you in The next tutorial

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But it’s not growing, it might all come down to YouTube SEO and yes, there is a thing called a youtube SEO now. Seo stands for search engine optimization and a lot of people.

Think of it in relation to Google, because Google is the biggest search engine out there. People go to Google to find the answer to their questions and just like Google YouTube that has an algorithm that they run all of the content through to determine what the best articles would be to recommend to somebody, because here’s just what it boils down to YouTube Is trying to make money, I mean that’s it in the business world, everyone is trying to make money and the longer someone stays on YouTube.

Reading articles seeing more ads YouTube is making money, so they are going to come up with the best articles that they think someone is going to read and stay on them, the longest that YouTube can make money. So how do you work with the algorithm work with YouTube’s that your articles start appearing and search results? That’s exactly what we are going to talk about today, I’m going to share some simple tips with you guys things that you can start to incorporate within your articles.

Today and make it really easy for you, so the first thing that we need to talk about, which should be absolutely no surprise to you, guys, is keywords. Anything in relation to SEO all comes down to keywords: the placement of your keywords, your keyword, research, it just if you get anything from my blog. It is keywords, keywords, keywords now, before you even create your article, you need to determine what keywords you want to rank for and what are the best keywords that you can rank for it.

That’s where keyword research comes into play. There is a very basic way to form keyword, research within YouTube. You just go to the search bar up top start typing in a keyword that you think you want to rank for anything within your niche that you think is relevant, start typing it in and then a drop-down menu will appear with other relevant keywords or searches that People are actually searching on the YouTube platform, so if you just want to perform basic keyword, research, that’s where I would recommend that you start, but when you’re ready to move into a little bit more of the advanced stuff, you definitely need to get to buddy.

Now it is a free extension that you can just add to your browser. I love it and I use it for a few different reason. I’r actually going to show you how I use it in this article so to buddy is great when you’re actually complete a search in YouTube. It is going to pop up and it’s going to show you almost like the keyword, difficulty or the keyword score, and it’s going to compare the number of searches, so the search volume, how many people are actually searching for that keyword compared to the number of results.

So the competition and you want to find a keyword that kind of ranks in the yellow or the green section, the green, the better chances you have to actually ranking for that keyword, the red you I wouldn’t even go for it because you’re probably not actually going To rank for that keyword, other well-established YouTube blogs are more likely to rank for that keyword because they’re already trusted by YouTube.

So if you are a beginner, you want to rank for more of the keywords that are still searched: a decent amount, but don’t have nearly as much competition, and that typically means longtail keywords. So the more words you add in your keyword phrase the better once you have a list of some of the keywords that you want to rank for and then you’re probably wondering okay, what the heck do I do with those keywords? That’s where your article planning comes into play so before you can even really brainstorm your article ideas, I’m sure you have a few.

They you think are amazing right off the bat. Maybe uniform keyword research afterwards, but I recommend forming cue every search first and then determining what content you can create based off that keyword. And then you want to make sure that that keyword is included in your content. So you guys probably noticed that I have set a youtube SEO of several times in this article, because YouTube actually connects what you were saying in your article to what is included in your title, your description and your tags.

So you want to make sure that your keyword is appearing in what you say in the article, as well as your title, your description and your tags, and if you have been ignoring tags or maybe you just have no idea what the deal is with tags tags Are really really important, and I honestly read a few articles before this to see what other people were saying about YouTube SEO to make sure that I was saying something different, something that would be valuable for you guys, and I saw someone say that tags aren’t really That important as long as you include your keywords in your speech in the title in the description, but I personally beg to differ because your tags is where you get to directly tell YouTube hey.

These are the keywords that I want to rank for. This is what I am talking about in this article. Please check these out and help me to appear in search for those keywords, and I also think it comes into play with two buddy. Yet again, so when you go into the YouTube creator, studio you’ve uploaded your article you’re ready to do all the final touches before you hit launch. You can use two buddy when it comes to selecting your tags, they’re, going to give you a few suggested tags that they think it would be good for you to include within your tag section, and you can definitely check that out, because that is honestly where I Start so one of the other things that I really like is once you start typing in your tags.

It will start to pop up other relevant tags that they think would be good for you to include. So it helps you really fine-tune the tags that you are going to add. But beyond that too, buddy is great, because once you have actually launched the article, it will tell you what tags you are actually appearing for in search and you can actually be a little bit of a snoop and you can go to other people’s YouTube articles.

See what tags they included within the backend of their YouTube article? Yes, you can see what other tags people are, including you can see what tags they are ranking for. Maybe what tags you want to go after and rank for as well so tags they are important. You have 500 characters to include as many tags as you can within those 500 characters and its really just telling YouTube what keywords you want to rank for.

That’s really all you need to know, and it’s like the second place, to start with YouTube SEO. Second, two keywords: beyond that: there are actually a few other things that you can incorporate within your YouTube strategy to help you take it on the terms of YouTube, make them a little bit happy and encourage them to promote your content. If that makes sense and the first one really comes down to your youtube strategy, and that is your uploading schedule, the more you constantly upload to YouTube or not constantly, I would say, consistently upload to YouTube.

The more YouTube is going to like you. If you go from uploading three articles a week to one every month, they aren’t really going to favor your content and they’re not going to push out your new content when you do share it. So for me guys, I created a strict YouTube schedule for myself. I upload articles every three days that way you guys get fresh content all the time, but it also helps to make you too happy the more in creating content and high-quality content.

They are going to view me as a quality youtuber and try to push out more of my content to anyone that is search for what I’m talking about, which is really. The second thing I want to talk about here, which is the content or the articles that you create your articles, are all over the board. Youtube isn’t going to like you nearly as much as if you are someone that became an expert in one topic. So if you create all of your articles around fashion in just a fashion alone, YouTube is going to view you as an expert in the fashion industry and when people search fashion, you are more likely to appear for relevant keywords compared to.

If you talked about fashion and daily life and food and cars, and whatever else you want to talk about YouTube, doesn’t really know what to recommend you for, because you are all over the board. So the more you need down and you get specific on the content that you are sharing the better chance you have and actually appearing for those keywords via third thing is your audience engagement. You guys obviously have noticed that at the end of every single one of my articles, I think if you like this article, put your thumbs up and subscribe to my blog.

While you were down there. Sometimes I ask you guys to leave a comment and there’s a reason for that. It really does help to support my blog, the better engagement you have in your YouTube articles. The more YouTube is actually going to look at them and take them seriously. If you do not have any thumbs up, if you don’t have any comments, YouTube’s going to be like well like why, why would I recommend that article compared to someone else that already has 5,000 views, maybe like 900 likes and 20 comments, they would rather go for Something that people are obviously already enjoying and engaging with so if you can encourage your audience to, like your articles, add comments down below subscribe to your blog and just read your article.

It’s going to help you out so much because the audience engagement is a big factor for the YouTube algorithm and, along with that, your audience retention, how long people are actually reading your YouTube articles is so important if you have a 20 minute long YouTube article and People are only reading it for 4 minutes. Youtube doesn’t really like that. They want to see that people are actually reading your article from beginning to end, so whatever you can do to make youtube articles more interesting, more engaging for people to stay around for the long haul via better, and one thing that you can really do to help Boost both those things, your engagement and your audience retention is, whenever you launch a youtube article, make sure that you read it the whole way through the article as well, because you can like your own YouTube articles, and if you want to you, can add a comment In the comment section down below in it, so then your comment is the first comment, and a great thing to do would be to ask a question, so I think that’s relevant to the YouTube article to encourage people to leave more comments in the comment section down Below so one thing that I’m really hoping that you get from this YouTube article is that you are in control of your YouTube SEO and you get to really kind of take feat in your own hands.

Even if it is these smallest things like reading your YouTube article, the whole way through to a boost, your retention rate, like that’s good, performing keyword, research, including those tags, all that stuff, it’s going to make YouTube happy and the goal is to make YouTube happy. So then they recommend you in a search, so I hope you guys, like that article and found it helpful. If you do, please give it a thumbs up and subscribe to my blog.

You see what I did there and I’ll see you guys back here in another article really soon bye, guys

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It’s me, Syria, from Jose Ted, and today I’m going to be doing a highly requested article. I’r going to be showing you how you can get free buyers and free traffic to your online store. It can make over a hundred dollars a day in profit and yes, as you’ll see it doesn’t matter what your store is. You could be drop shipping. You could be doing print on demand.

You could even be making your own items. This method will work for you. So some of my subscribers who’ve been around for a while may remember that I have a friend, yarrow yarrow is actually the founder and creator of the awesome drop shipping, plugin Ally dropship, while Guerra built that after creating a portfolio of aliexpress drop shipping stores, they were Making him about six thousand dollars a month in profit and yarrow success with aliexpress drop shipping is something that I’ve talked about before on this blog.

But how is he making his money? Was that with Facebook ads or Google Adwords or Instagram ads? Well, the answer is none of the above. Instead yarrow used free traffic sources, his profit was split between two types of free traffic: his Facebook fan page traffic and free Google SEO traffic. Now, given that I was talking about SEO last week, a lot of you will probably remember what it was, but for those of you out there that don’t know SEO stands for search engine optimization.

So let’s take this monkey err on aliexpress. This cat face mark is selling for $ 7.48. Well, if we head to Google and do a search for the phrase cat face monk, you will see that Google found over 40 million pages on the internet relevant to the search term. And if we scroll down here, you’ll see that Google chose to recommend these websites on the first page of its results. Now again, Google found over 40 million pages relevant to my search term.

You chose these as its favorite ones and the pages that most recommended. So how did these websites get chosen to be at the top of Google’s search results? Well, the answer is that they made some tweaks and modifications to those websites and those tweaks and modifications are called search. Engine, optimization otherwise known as SEO, and every single second Google is purchasing over 40,000 search results.

The st. There is so much traffic to be had from the Google search engine, and you know what it is free traffic you see when you do a search on Google. You have two types of results that pop up. Firstly, at the top you may see these sponsored ads of people have bought them and, yes to sit here, you need to pay Google, but if we scroll down to these results here, the ones that Google’s search algorithm found for us and recommended as the best pages, These websites paid Google nothing to set here.

These are called the organic search results and they don’t have the word sponsored or ad. Next to them. Google is an algorithm, a computer, a robot. Its mission is to read as many pages on the internet that it can, which is billions and billions. When someone does a search for a keyword. The algorithm looks at all the pages. That’s read and figures out which ones that thinks is best for you. No money required if your page is simply considered to be the best for that search term, then Google will send buyers and traffic your way and recommend it for free.

So, for example, let’s come back to that search phrase again, I did at the start of this article Cafe schmuck well on the first page of recommended results. You’ll see that Google is recommending this website mug’dom. If we click on the listing, you’ll see that they are selling this exact mug for a big markup price, and if we check out the product listing, we can confirm that their drop shipping it from Aliexpress because of the shipping disclaimer Maxim, is an example of a Hybrid store, it has drop shipping mugs really from Aliexpress such as these ones here, but it is also creating and selling its own ones.

That makes with print-on-demand services like prenta Phi in printful such as these mugs. Here and every single day. It is getting free customers and free traffic from ranking highly in Google search results, for example, check this out. If we come back to Google and do a search for the phrase lawyer mugs, we will see that they rank highly for the search phrase as well. And if we come back to the Google search engine again and type in dr.

Max, we’ll see that again, the store is ranking highly in Google for the search phrase as well. So I can imagine that a lot of you are saying Sarah. I want free traffic and I want free sales. How do I get them? Well, good question: so in this article I’m going to be giving you a four step tutorial that you can follow so that you can get free Google traffic to your store, but just a warning. This might get a little technical and jargony at times.

So I’m going to try to do my best to simplify it as much as possible and also you’re going to discover that if you want to get free Google traffic to your site, there is a price that you’re going to have to pay. And that is with your time and if you don’t want to spend the time to follow these instructions in this tutorial, then I honestly understand – and so in that case there, if you’d like to get faster sales and faster traffic, then I recommend that you download our Free ebook, the six steps at six-figure drop shipping stores followed to make over ten thousand dollars a month and it outlines a strategy that big drop, shipping stores follow, which is to use low cost Facebook ads.

And you can find a link to download the e-book and the article description below and one final quick disclaimer as I’ve talked about before on this blog. I’ve had success with this year. Yarrow’s had success with this year, but just because we’ve had successful, vcr does not guarantee that everyone else will. Everyone’s results will vary so with those disclaimers out the way. Let’s look at what makes Google choose some websites over others, one of the biggest organizations dedicated to studying Google is a company called Moz and I’m going to be referencing them a lot in this article.

They have studied the Google algorithm and discovered that these are the factors Google considers when choosing which websites it likes the most now these can be broken down and simplified into two main ways that you can keep Google happy one structure your website in a way that Google likes so this is going to involve things like putting lots of words on our pages and using keywords correctly, and things like that, and I’m going to be showing you how to do these things in this tutorial to create lots of high quality backlinks.

So that’s a very jargony word. Let me explain what backlinks are for those of you that don’t know a backlink is simply when another website links to your website. So a href calm has a free tool that lets you spy on what backlinks your competitors have. If we type hole so Ted common to it, you will see that hole. So Ted has quite a few backlinks and if we look at what they are, you see that we actually have entrepreneur and Forbes linking to us now.

That’s very significant because Google considers Forbes an entrepreneur, very authoritative websites and so in Google’s eyes the fact that they are linking to hosts so T. It means that they are recommending it and because Google thinks of those websites as an authority, it trusts their recommendations. Ever since getting those two backlinks, our website has gained more traffic from people, doing searches for keywords and phrases related to our blog posts.

Why? Well, because of the fact that Google likes and trusts our website more now, it considers our website more of an authority. But this just one problem: isn’t there using websites like fools to link tear is very very hard and that’s just the honest truth. Giving good high quality backlinks is not easy and there is actually an easy way. The easy way is to buy them, but buying them is very, very expensive.

Unfortunately, if we look at the graph of ranking factors created by Moz, you can see that these ones here all relate to backlinks and so for the Google algorithm. They are clearly the most important factor it considers. Let’s don’t worry because that’s why I’ve made this tutorial, I’m going to teach you how to get Google traffic without having backlinks. Now, that’s not to say that I’m not going to teach you how to keep backlinks.

I am going to teach you how to get them later on in this tutorial and they’re, going to be free and they’re going to be very high quality they’re, probably just not going to be what you expect, but honestly, that’s just going to be more of a Bonus to give you an edge. What I really wanted to try to achieve for this tutorial is give you a strategy so that you can get Google traffic without backlinks, and for that you need to do something.

First, step 1 identify low competition, keywords and products to target and sell. Here is the thing there are some products and keywords out the event. Websites that have lots of backlinks just haven’t tried to target or sell yet. So you know what you should do. You should find these keywords and you should target them yourself, and so that’s what we want to do. We want to find products and keywords to target, and so with our store that people that already have been links for the page have not tried to Target or sell.

Yet if the pages that are currently ranking for these search terms, don’t have backlinks either, then that is a great thing that we’re going to be able to compete with them without having any as well to identify these low competition keywords and products. We’re going to simplify the process and use Moz comms tool. The keyword Explorer now be cool. This keyword Explorer tool free, but it’s not free.

It’s free. If you only want to analyze team keywords a month, but we’re going to need to analyze a lot more of a team, luckily most has a free 30-day trial to take advantage of you’ll want to get a free 30-day trial of the median plan, since they will Give you five thousand keyword, searches. You can use it to create a huge list of low competition keywords and products and then just cancel before your trial expires.

Alright, so I’m going to switch over to my computer now and show you how to use it. Okay. So I’m over here on martha’s keyword explorer. So so let me first of all just do a search to show you how it actually works, so we’re going to come in here and type in lawyer, mugs and then go and change the location to be the USA and in do a search. So we’re going to be able to see what the keyword difficulty is for this keyword when the data loads up.

So, as you can see, it’s given us this data, so we can see how many searches a keyword, gets, how difficult the keyword is to rank for what percentage of the clicks on the page go towards the free listings and there’s also the priority score, which is Moses overall score, it gives to a keyword, so the organic click-through rating refers to the fact that the some search terms google clogs it up, but the striking things like ads and image results so did a search for lure mugs and google and, as you can see, This pages images at the top – and it’s also got this ad, and so these are going to be taking clicks away from the free organic listings below.

So if we come back to Moz that used to make that around 54 % of people will be clicking on the free organic search results, so that’s okay, at least the majority of the traffic goes towards the free. So let me explain this number here, though. The number of searches a keyword gets each month now. This number looks small and it is, however, keep in mind that if you rank well for the search phrase, you’ll also be ranking well for other similar key and phrases alright.

Every month there will be lots and lots of users who are searching for what called longtail keywords. These are more specific keywords such as best coffee mugs, to give to lawyers. That is very specific, and it will only get a handful of searches a month. But all these longtail keyword searches are very powerful combined, they add up to the majority of search engine traffic. It’s frustrating. We can’t calculate how much exists with tools, but we know that there will be a lot of these that we can’t track.

In addition, keep in mind that, with a low competition SEO strategy, your aim is to target as many low competition products and keywords that you can Yara had literally hundreds of products listed. Each products may only have gotten the small amount of traffic, but combined it made for a lot of traffic. So what we really want to be looking at when we do a search is list about this number over here and more about this one, the competition rating.

We want it to be 35 or less now. This one is above 35, so it’s a keyword, I’d recommend avoiding, and so this is pretty much what you do. You just want to come in here and use this keyword, tool and type in lots of different product ideas into it and find a low competition once they may be thinking. How do I do that? Where do I get ideas for products to put in here? Well, there are lots of websites that you can use.

You know, for example, you can go and browse Aliexpress for product ideas and then you can go and you can browse Amazon for product ideas and if you’re interested in print-on-demand, you can browse Etsy and see what designs are selling on there as well. Now, for me, I got inspiration by looking around the office. I actually saw this guitar mug. It’s a staple example, Aliexpress item on this blog and yeah.

I thought you know what people often buy this as a gift for friends and family. So what about that? What about gifts bucket iris, and so it came to Maude’s, and I did a search for that guess, look at iris! There you go, and you know what I discovered that yes, this is a very low competition keyword check it out. It has a competition score of just 26 and it’s got a surprising amount of traffic too so this here this is a good keyword.

That means that it would be a low competition keywords and I thought well, you know what this would be a great keyword for a product category page. I could have a product category page that has lots of cool gifts that I found on Aliexpress and creative print on demand services like printer fine print, four that are aimed at guitar lovers, and I could also do SEO in the in-depth targeting different keywords for all The different guitar products that I end up, selling on my site as well, and so my idea was sparked what, if I create a website that sells novelty, fun gifts aimed at different types of musicians.

So I had to go and do a bit of deeper searching and ultimately I ended up finding other similar keywords. So if we come in here and type in guess for drummers and live it loads, you’ll see that yes, this is a very low competition keywords with a difficulty score of just 23, which is kind of surprising, because if you look at this, it’s got quite a Lot of monthly search volume, so I decided to do a key, a search for the keyword, gifts for musicians, you’re too cheap to see if this was viable and yes, she could out here.

It is a difficulty score of 34, but quite a lot of monthly search volume, and so yes, this keyword met our criteria as well, which was awesome, and so I found my store idea. I was going to have a shop with novelty items aimed at different types of musicians, and so this was going to be my store theme now when you are trying to do SEO for a store – and he have very few backlinks. It is very important that you pick a theme rather than just going with a general store, and that’s for many reasons.

But one of the more important reasons is that down the road when we are adding backlinks to our website. We want to have our backlinks coming from another site that is relevant to the items that we are selling in our store. Google wants to see that you’re not getting backlinks from random sites, but other web sites that are an authority and that are relevant to the items that you’re selling in your store.

And so because of this. We want to keep our store themed around one central idea, and so of course, for me this was going to be gifts, for musicians, speak to create and optimize your store for the Google search engine and, of course, they need to actually go out there and create Your store so that you can list the items in it for sale and while you’re creating your store, you want making some tweaks and modifications to it to make it Google friendly.

Now it’s part of this tutorial, I’m going to be showing you how you can optimize each of these pages using Shopify. I know a lot of my subscribers prefer WooCommerce and that’s totally fine. Unfortunately, though, in this tutorial, I simply don’t have time to show you how to optimize both types of online store platforms and since Shopify is my favorite and the ones that I’ve got the most experience with.

I’r going to be using it as part of this tutorial. But you can still apply a lot of us to WooCommerce as well, and if you would like to get Shopify for yourself so that you can follow along with me in this tutorial, I have a link to how you can get a 14-day free trial in the Article description below please note that as an affiliate link, your hosts out here, all of our youtube articles are free and affiliate links, help us keep their articles free.

So, let’s start out by switching over to my computer and showing you how to optimize your product pages. So here’s an example of a product page I created this is a flute poster ie opposed to aimed at flute players. This product had relatively low competition, which was great again, not much traffic, but given we’re planning on adding lots of products and having it go wide strategy combined with ranking for related keywords and longtail keywords.

I don’t mind this, and this product was actually one that I created on printful doin, her flute posters on Aliexpress, so I had to make one myself. I didn’t know what to create. So week, two Etsy and I looked up t-shirts for flute players. This shirt was the most popular. I thought it was pretty funny, it’s a joke about Harry Potter and wizards, and there are other t-shirts featuring the same joke too.

So I took inspiration from them and turn them into this poster. Now there are several ways that are optimized this product page from a chosen keyword. Very importantly, this page features over 400 words for product pages 400 to 500. Words is what you should aim for something else I did was they use my primary keyword, flu posters throughout the product page, but I didn’t overdo it. I used it four times.

I recommend using it four times, but don’t use it anymore. If you use it too much, you Russ, Google, finding your page spammy. In addition, if you’ve read the description, you’ll see that it’s just that it’s highly descriptive, it isn’t just fluff or fella. I talked about the quality of the paper. I talked about the quality of the ink. I talked about how to best users poster by writing a descriptive description.

You’ll naturally use what is called LSI keywords without even trying and Google loves our lycée keywords, and so it will like your description too, and something else I tried to do was I tried to use my knowledge of writing engaging copy to make this description engaging and Fun to read now I had a very limited amount of time to write us. Unfortunately, so it could certainly be better, but I did my best to make it engaging for the reader.

Google’s algorithm is pretty smart and I can tell you it can tell if your tix is engaging. So that’s what I did with this text now. Let me show you how I updated the websites code and the backend of my Shopify admin page and don’t worry it’s easier to do than you might think. So. The first piece of code you could say I edit, is the image alt tags. You see when you upload an image to your site, Google can’t see it, it doesn’t have eyes and what it can do is read code and tick.

So what we want to do is add a piece of code to our image, so click this button and then type in your main keyword. So, of course, mine here was flute posters, and so I put it as the image alt text and then all you do is click done and so once you’ve done that to go ahead and just mouse over each image and click that button and then type in Different keywords: you can see for this one I use the tag funny will print for flute players and once you’ve done that for all your images, we’ll just go in and edit the search engine data code.

First, though, let me explain what we’ll be editing we’ll be editing, two things, the title tag and a description tag. All of these tell Google what they should show when they list you in the search engine results. The title tag tells Google what your title should be and the description tells Google what description they should show to preview potential visitors to your site so to edit your search engine code just come down to the bottom of your product, page and click.

This button edit website SEO so for your title. I recommend you use 55 to 60. Characters, do not use any Cuban more than once and try not to reuse words more than once I did reuse. The word flute a second time, and this should be fine because there’s no other word for flute, but if you can avoid repeating words and also try and put your primary keyword as close to the stock of your tie as possible.

Just like I did now, the description is interesting. Google doesn’t actually use this, or so they say when choosing whether to wreck your site or not. However, people as an actual humans using Google use that, when picking which website they’ll click on so try and make it engaging because one of the benefits of picking a low competition keywords there’s often times your competitors are pages, that market places like it see automatically generate And so they have terrible descriptions that are not engaging at all, so this means you have an edge over them.

In that way, I recommend you have a maximum of 300 characters. Otherwise some words may get cut off on your search result and there’s something else. You need to update in it is the URL so come in and change it so that it’s your primary keyword and separate the words with dashes. So for me, mine’s going to be flute posters and once you’ve done all of that. Just click Save and you’ll have created a Google friendly product page.

Here’s the kicker, though you need to do this for all of your product pages, and I mean all of them. So, yes doing this will take time. However, it is an investment into your future. I think one of my most favorite quotes of all time has to be do something today that your future self will thank you for tomorrow. I have no idea who said that probably a lot of people have said that, but at the very least those words are very, very wise.

So now we’ve gone ahead and we’ve optimized our product pages. Let’s move on to our product category pages. Remember that, for my store, my product category pages are going to be aimed at keywords like gifts for drummers and gifts for guitarists. Your category pages can be an incredible source of traffic for mugdha. It’s their category of pages, not the individual product pages themselves that we’re ranking for a lot of their keywords.

So let me show you how to do this. Okay, so here is my category page. They optimized. This is kiss for guitars. Now, with the product category pages. They are a bit different. One of the differences is that Google doesn’t expect to see as many words on the page because check it out. Here is a category page and what it would look like if it had 400 words on it, absolutely terrible right. It would be a very bad user experience and so product pages rank fine without lots of text.

Some text helps, but we don’t need 400 words. A hundred words of optimized descriptive text should be fine. In addition, you’ll see that I have links to other products. Using keywords related to them, this is called interlinking. It’s something that Google likes to see on your category pages and so add one to three of them as well. So what we should do now is, we should come on over into the admin area and I’ll show you how to update the code on your product pages as well.

So something a lot of people don’t know is that you can add an image to your category. Page, so if we switch back over to the page, you’ll see that it shows up here so make sure that it’s a big, high-quality image so that it doesn’t look pixelated. So go ahead and upload a picture and once you’ve done that you can click Edit and then you can click the Edit image, Ultratech tag, button and, of course, and here be sure, to put your primary keywords and of course, after that, you’ll want to edit the Search engine data code to come down to the bottom of the page and click it.

You know the SEO button and just like before including optimized title between 55 to 60 characters and have your primary keyword at the start of it. Try not to use any word more than once and you’ll want to create an engaging description that will entice users to click on your site and you’ll want to update the year out to match your keyword as well. So, as you can see, this URL here is gifts, four guitarist’s and while effects that you’re done, that’s how you optimize your category pages, just click Save and we can move on to the next step.

Alright. So now I’m going to show you how to make one more page, google friendly – and that is your home page since your home page is just going to be your base URL. We will not be editing that aspect as part of our home page optimization tutorial. Something to keep in mind, though, when you are choosing your domain name for your store is to pick one that signals to Google what types of items you’re selling or read your store theme s.

My store is called musical note gifts. That’s clearly signals to Google. What my store is about, it is gifts relating to music. So let me switch back to my computer and show you how to do this. Alright, so here is the home page for my store. Remember. My primary keyword for this page is Gus for musicians as it had surprisingly low competition. So, let’s start out with the by now, you should know that adding ticks is important to any website, and yes, I’ve done that here.

I’ve added four hundred words of optimized text on my homepage. Now it doesn’t look like I’ve added four hundred words of tips and that’s because the way I’ve done it is kind of sneaky. I had the tick so that it wouldn’t make the homepage look clogged with walls of text. So, of course, yes, you can see that down here. I added in about 200 words of text. This has the added benefit of adding our keyword guests for musicians and to what is called the h1 title tag we haven’t talked about them before, because your product pages all have us included by default.

It’s your product, title and your product. Category pages have this included by default as well again, it’s the title of the page, but our home page doesn’t have one. So what I did was inside the home page editor. I added in a rich text block and made sure to use our primary keyword inside the title, but there is another way that I added an extra text and that was stir the image slider. So if we scroll up, you can see that there is text on the slides and combined.

It comes out to just over a hundred words. This is an easy way to slurp extra words them to your home page. So to do it is really simple. Just make sure that you have an image slider widget edit and then, when you add a slide, come into it and then scroll down – and you can put your text into these text box here see the heading and subheading boxes, and this is also a great way To add in your image, alt data so just come to your first image and then you want to come and click the edit button and then in the image, alt tech text box put your primary keyword like I did here and then you just want to click.

Save and of course, you should add an additional secondary keywords for your other image about tags as well. Just like I did, and so the additional way that I added in text was I put in for featured product collections and, yes, the ticks on these counts towards the total ticks on the page. Each of these was about 25 words and so combines. This page has just over 400 words and we’ve got to edit our search engine data code.

So come back to our Shopify admin area and click online store and then click preferences in the sub menu and the Preferences page you’ll be able to update your description. Shopify will tell you your title can be up to 70 characters. I strongly recommend sticking to 55 to 60, otherwise, words can get cut off in your listing and it’ll say your description can be up to 320 characters, but gano recommend sticking to no more than 300 so that words don’t get cut off in the search engine and Optimize your title just like before put your primary keyword at the start of the title and try not to reuse keywords and for your description focus on making engaging and enticing so that viewers will click through to your store and, of course, just click.

Save and you’ll. Have an optimized home page and it’s quick bonus tip when you’re going through and optimizing your store for Google. If you’ve got an about Us page, then I recommend that you add at least 800 words of text to it and that you add two images, and why is that? Well, it’s because the fact there and about Us page actually has a lot of similarities to a blog post and when it comes to a blog post.

Google expects to see a lots of text and a lots of images which leads me to the next part of this tutorial. Tip 3. Add a blog to your store. There is a little bit of a passion that you may have noticed while reading this article, and that is text text text Google likes text which again makes sense, it’s an algorithm, a computer, a robot, a machine, it processes text, not images, and so that is what It processes the best and, in addition to seeing that you’ve got pages with lots of text.

Google also likes to see that you’re adding new text to your website, and that is for two reasons. One. It indicates to Google that you’re dedicated to making your website better. So Google’s algorithm tends to assume that new content is up-to-date and relevant, and so the easiest way to add new, valuable content on an ongoing basis is to use the blog feature within Shopify. And so that’s what we’re going to do.

We’re going to add a blog and we’re going to add at least one new blog post to it every week, unlike with our product pages images at home page, we don’t need to pick low competition keywords for our blog posts, so you can pick any relevant topic To write about as long as well yeah, it’s related to your source thing, and that’s because honestly, the traffic that will come in through our blog posts is going to be very untargeted.

So it’s very unlikely that people who come in from it are going to buy our items anyway. Instead, what we’re going to be doing is we’re going to be writing and optimizing our blog posts in a way to signal to Google that it is valuable contents that we are adding to our site. So let me switch back to my computer and I’ll show you how to add an optimized blog post. Okay. So here is a blog post that I’ve uploaded to my site.

It’s a blog post, it’s all about the history of the guitar, so this article is around a thousand words because blog posts are by nature supposed to be long and wordy. Google expects out so make sure all of your blog posts are at least 800 words aiming for 800 mm. Does a good range longer is fine, but it’s not, you know, usually necessary, and no, I really didn’t care when uploading. This article about keyword did see my main focus, wasn’t uploading and engaging article, and so thus I made sure that it was formatted correctly and spelt correctly, plus they added on to photos.

Google can’t really see photos, but it knows that they’re there and it likes photos, because it knows that users like photos so make sure you add at least two to your blog post and something else that you’ll want to do is to find a relevant YouTube. Article and embed it in your article as Wow now it doesn’t have to be your article. It can be someone else’s article and yes before anyone asks. This is perfectly legal.

So let me show you how to add in a article by going into the admin area, so here is a new blog post and I’m in the process of editing or adding to my site, it’s the history of the piano, that’s what I did was a week To YouTube – and I found a article relevant to my topic and to embed it – just click share and then click a beard. And then you want to copy all of this code here and then come back to your blog post and then find where you want.

To add in the article and then click the insert article button and then it paste on the code and click insert article and then you’re done so. In addition, you also want to add a featured image to your blog post, so be sure to get an extra image for that, and I recommend keeping everything else on the page as near its absolutely fine, don’t add tags, because this can what’s called duplicate, content penalties.

It’s just safest to avoid tags, and once he creeds, your optimized well post, just make sure that you come up and you see it to be visible rather than hidden and then just click Save and in that search. You’ll have uploaded a Google friendly blog post over time. As you add, more and more high quality blog posts, Google will become more and more impressed because it will see that you are essentially giving back to the Internet Plus over time.

As you add more and more blog posts, they will attract more readers, and if you put effort into creating high quality blog posts, then they are more likely to be shared which creates free backlinks. For you, however, there is another faster way of getting high quality backlinks to your site and that is fit for create backlinks with social media accounts. So here’s the funny thing: let’s come back to the free backlink checker with a href and do a search again for house out head and see which is our most powerful backlink now you’d think it would be Forbes or entrepreneur right, but nope, the most powerful, influential Backlink that we have is this YouTube blog, this YouTube blog that we created for free, and so this is how you get free, powerful backlinks from scratch.

You pick a social media platform like Facebook and scram or YouTube, and you create a page on it and you build it up by posting, high quality content and you build up your fan base and if you don’t want to spend time creating articles, I understand the Lazy way to quickly build up a social media account is to create a jerk or mean page on Instagram related to your niche and in your bio link. Back to your store, reposting, jokes or memes doesn’t have any copyright issues, and so you don’t have to create your own original content.

You can feel free to repost already popular images and because of the fact that the funny it increases the chance that they’re going to go viral and the more fans your social media page, has the more of an authority that Google will consider it plus keep in Mind you don’t just have to create one, because these are cert easy to make. You could create super, oh, I could create one for khatam memes and I could create one for violent me and so on, and so after you create your store, it doesn’t India.

For me, but each week add at least one new blog post and build up your social media accounts. I’r not going to lie it’s going to take time, but as your presence on the internet grows, so will your authority with Google, which will increase the amount of traffic they send you which will increase the amount of sales you make, which will increase the amount of Money that you make so thanks for reading this article and if you liked it and you’re not a subscriber here a whole so team, you should totally become one because we are constantly releasing new articles with actionable advice on how to build your own money-making business.

So be sure to click the subscribe button and then click that little notification bow next to it, so that you don’t miss out on any of our articles.

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For most of us to make themselves heard, people, companies and other organizations have been seeking ways to fight and claw to the top of search results using a process called search engine optimization or SEO.

But what is that? Well, you see giant search engines like Google use. Algorithms, to try to push relevant results to the top of the page so that when a user types in computer mouse they’ll get links to buy a new input device rather than pictures of Stewart little trying to use a PC. Now how exactly these algorithms work are? Usually closely guarded trade secrets, but there’s enough public knowledge for webmasters to attempt to tune their pages to boost their position in the search results.

In fact, Google even puts out a search engine, optimization starter guide to help website owners improve their chances of earning the coveted top result. So then, for starters, it’s a good idea to optimize your pages. Metadata metadata is all the stuff other than the actual content people will see in their browser window and accurate metadata things like descriptive, page titles or embedding a short explanation of.

What’s on the page into your HTML, which you can often end up. Seeing underneath the Google result can help push your site up to the top a more recent development is making URLs themselves more. Informative. You’ve probably seen this on news sites which have started to use file names that indicate what the article is about. Like tasteless youtuber, where socks and sandals dot HTML, which is a lot more helpful to a search engine than just assigning some random number, another pro tip is to nest your pages in some sort of sensible directory structure organized by things like topics and dates.

But what about the page itself? Well, since most modern search engines use how often a page is linked to as a key metric of its importance providing descriptive text links in the body of a webpage to other pages on your site can be very helpful and search. Engines are also aware of things like topic, headers and alt text for images to help categorize the site. The key as with any metadata, is to keep these as short, but also as informative and descriptive as possible to make it easier for a search engine to determine that your site is relevant to a particular topic.

Of course, though, everything we’ve outlined so far is a legitimate SEO strategy. There are plenty of other tricks that might be employed by unscrupulous site owners. These collectively are known as blackhat SEO or spam dexing, and their goal is to try to make the page seem more relevant to a topic than it actually is, and these tricks can take the form of anything from citing keywords in invisible text that a user would Have to highlight to see to buying link, backs or even traffic from other sites for using irrelevant keywords that might just be trending at the moment or even just overusing, the relevant ones.

This kind of behavior has resulted in a bit of a digital arms race between search engine developers, who are trying to weed out these pages for their users and spammers or site owners who are desperate for clicks and aren’t above using shady tactics. So, who will ultimately win? Well, let me put it this way as search giants like Google deploy more sophisticated methods to separate the signal from the noise.

My advice is, if you want your website to be around for a long time, stick to the honest, tried-and-true tactics, even if your website does feature material of ill repute speaking of SEO tricks, if that’s just yet another thing that you don’t want to deal with when You want to build your own website. Squarespace actually does a lot of this stuff automatically. Squarespace is the way to go. If you want to build a simple, powerful, beautiful website, it’s easy to use you just you know, click here and go okay.

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This is the exact Step-By-Step checklist we use for every SEO campaign we work on. In fact, we just used this exact checklist to grow pages. Organic Search traffic by 1,337 %, and then we used it again to grow this page’s traffic by 1,059 %. Now here’s my promise to you! When you read this entire training article, you will never need to Read read or consume any other content about On-Page SEO after you read Now, does that sound good Well before we get started like this article right now, To show me you’re pumped and leave a comment below saying: let’s do this to show me you’re excited, Let’s get started, ( upbeat, music, ), Hey, so welcome to my YouTube blog.

My name is Nathan, Gotch and I’r the founder of Gotch SEO And in this article I’m Going to walk you through my agency’s entire on-page Seo checklist from A to Z, Now, if you’re, not Subscribed to my blog, please subscribe because I publish in depth SEO and digital marketing articles That will help you grow any company, you’re Working for or working on And don’t forget to hit the bell button because you’ll get first access to new training when you do it So the first thing we need to Tackle is what is on-page SEO.

On-Page SEO is the process of optimizing a single page on your website. This is not to be Confused with on-site SEO, which is the process of Optimizing an entire website, However, these two types of optimization are not mutually exclusive. For example, an on-site optimization action like installing an SSL certificate is also a good on-page. Optimization action, It’s also important to Mention the difference between on-page SEO versus off-page SEO.

Off-Page SEO is nothing more than another way to say: link, building, Link, building or off-page SEO is the process of acquiring Backlinks to your website, So while on-page SEO is the Foundation, you need to rank you’ll usually need a Substantial offsite SEO plan to acquire backlinks to your Pages and website as a whole, It’s definitely possible to Rank without many backlinks, but in most cases you’ll need them Now.

Next question is why Is on-page SEO important Most people with basic Knowledge of SEO usually equate on-page SEO, which is Placing keywords on a page And there’s no denying that keywords are critical for on-page optimization, but there is much more to the process As you’ll soon find out. On-Page optimization includes keywords: copywriting media links, user experience and even conversions Understanding and executing all Of these on-page SEO, factors is important because it will determine how well your page will rank in Google What I’ll be showing you isn’t.

Just about rankings, though, This checklist will help You optimize your pages to the fullest extent. But it will also help you increase dwell time, build Rapport for your brand and even drive conversions, So now it’s time to show you how to do on-page SEO step by step. Just follow this checklist. And you’ll achieve a perfectly optimized page, So the first part of this Process is performance Number one.

Do you have Google Analytics tracking set up, You need a way to measure the Seo performance of your page and Google Analytics Is pretty hard to beat, but there are some decent alternatives out there like Clicky, Just make sure you have a way to track organic search, traffic and conversions Number two: are you tracking Your primary keyword, phrase Tracking individual keywords, isn’t as straightforward as it used to be because of localization Personalization and other factors, however, you should still be Tracking, your primary keyword just to make sure you’re On the right track, I personally use ahrefs to Track keyword performance So now, let’s move on to phase two which is crawling and indexing.

So number three is your page crawlable. You simply can’t rank if Google’s spiders can’t access your page, Your robots.Txt file and NoIndex tags are two common culprits. You need to look out for This tool is perfect for checking Your page’s crawlability Just enter your URL and click submit. Then the tool will show You everything that is or isn’t blocking search engine crawlers You wan na see a 200 status code and no news is good news.

When it comes to the other sections, You can also use Screaming Frog SEO Spider to make sure your pages Are crawler accessible, Just click, the response, codes, tab and select blocked by robots.Txt, So number four is your page indexable Having a crawlable page is the first step to ranking in Google. The second step is to make sure that your page actually gets indexed The best way to check if Your page is properly indexed is to copy your URL and Paste it into Google Established pages should Show up and if they don’t, then you need to take Some additional steps First check if the page Is using the Noindex tag, Just click the directives? Tab in Screaming Frog and selected Noindex From the filter dropdown, If it passes that test, then you need to examine Your site architecture, Sometimes your page – is buried.

Too deep within your website and crawlers aren’t able to reach it. This issue is most common. With eCommerce websites or really large websites So to find out click, the site architecture, Tab in Screaming Frog and look under the crawl depth section. You want most of your pages to be no more than three clicks deep And if your pages passes, Both of these tests, then you should use the Fetch as Google tool, The last way to get your page indexed, is to simply acquire backlinks to it.

So now that you’re tracking performance, your page, is crawlable And your page is indexed it’s time to optimize your Page for your primary keyword, Which brings me to point number five: are you targeting the right keywords? Some people overestimate their ability to rank for certain keywords. You need to go through. Extensive keyword, qualification in competitor analysis, Processes to ensure that you’re targeting the right keywords, I won’t go too deep into it.

Here but here’s a 30,000 foot keyword qualification process. You can use First run your keyword through Ahrefs keyword explorer tool and you can quickly eliminate keywords based on keyword, difficulty or KD, For example, newer websites or Websites that lack authority shouldn’t target keywords – Greater than a KD of 50, If your keyword passes the KD test, then you need to compare your website against the ranking Competitors on average Gather the following data: Points for each competitor and average them out DR backlinks total linking group domains which you can export from.

Ahrefs keyword explorer and word count. So now you have a roadmap Of what you’ll need to do to compete for your target keyword phrase So number six is: have you Already targeted this keyword, Keyword, cannibalization, which is when multiple pages target the Same primary keyword phrase is something you need to keep tabs on. Here’s an example, So avoiding this issue at the onset should be a priority.

For every SEO campaign, Trust me when I say this: ( evil laughter, ), it’s a nightmare working Through large scale, keyword, cannibalization issues, Here’s what you need to know target one primary keyword per page and then focus on creating And updating that one page Don’t create or optimize another page for the same primary keyword. Now I should mention The Hub and Spoke model You can target closely related keywords if the intent is different, For example, on Gotch SEO.

I have a blog post about how to do an SEO audit, which Is informational, intent and then I have a page Targeting SEO audits service, which is transactional intent, These keyword phrases are closely related but have much different intent. So here’s a visual from Jimmy Daily Just make sure you don’t Get this model twisted and think that you should Start pumping out thin pages around your primary page/keyword, Which brings me to point number seven, which is: does your page Satisfy search intent So, if you’ve been following my work or you’re a member of Gotch SEO Academy, then I know you’re, probably Sick of me talking about this, but the truth is it’s So incredibly important and it’s something that a Lot of websites get wrong.

There are four primary Categories of search, intent, number one is informational, which would be how to get backlinks Number. Two are transactional. Which are buy backlinks Number three are comparison, inquiries which are moz versus ahrefs and number four are navigational. Inquiries like Gotch SEO, So understanding the intent Behind your targeted keyword should dictate how you Structure, your page, For example, if you’re Targeting a keyword phrase that has informational intent, then that page should educate And attempt to build rapport, The truth is most searchers.

Are not ready to buy when searching informational keywords They’re likely at the beginning, Of the customer journey and you need to be cognisant of that and structure, your page as An educational resource: Now that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t, try to push the prospect to the Next stage in the buying cycle, but you need to take baby steps Lead magnets are my go to CTA For searchers at this stage, So number eight is your Primary keyword in the title Now, while SEOs don’t agree on everything most would have a hard time disputing that your primary keyword should Be in your page’s title tag, So if you do anything on this checklist make sure your targeted Keyword is in your title, But if on-page SEO was as simple as placing your keyword in the title, then there would be a Lot more successful SEOs, But here’s the truth.

That’s a bare minimum on page SEO action So to take your title tag. Optimization up another notch, you need to improve its clickability, Which brings me to point number. Nine, which is, is your title? Click worthy Google uses the words in your title tag to understand what your page is about, But there’s another side of title tags that you need to understand. First, you can find your Website’s SERP CTR performance in Google’s search, console When you click on performance, It’s critical that you make your title as eye catching and Click worthy as possible, In fact increasing your SERP CTR, is one of the easiest ways to get more organic search traffic without Creating any new content, Which brings me to point number 10, which is, can you add, Modifiers to your title, So title modifiers, like Best top or the year 2019, for example, can help you capture more long tail organic search traffic Now number 11 is have you used all of your title tag.

Real estate Titles can be as long as 65 characters before being truncated in Google SERPS. You should take full advantage of this character. Real estate Just make sure your keyword is Toward the front of the title, but after that you should use all the copywriting techniques you can to entice searchers to Click on your result, You can use Screaming Frog to find all titles under or over 65 characters, When you click on page titles and click, the filter drop down So number 12 is, is your page Title wrapped in an H1 tag, Every page on your website, Should have an H1 tag You can using Screaming Frog SEO Spider to find what pages don’t Currently have H1s Just click the H1 tab and select missing H1s From the filter dropdown Now the question is: can you Have multiple H1s on a page and how does that impact SEO performance, Regardless of whether You use HTML5 or not having multiple H1 Elements on a page is fine, The answer is yes, but it would Be a very rare circumstance when I would either consider doing it Number 13.

Is your primary Keyword in the meta description, Google often rewrites meta descriptions, but it’s still a good idea. To write a descriptive one that includes your primary keyword. For example, Google Replaced my meta description from my guide about 301 redirects with the first couple. Sentences of my content, Number 14 – is your meta Description, click worthy. Like your title, you should try to make your meta description as Click worthy as possible: Number 15, is your primary Keyword in your URL, In my experience pages that Have the primary keyword in the URL tend to perform better? Google also claims that Having your keyword in the URL is a very small ranking factor.

Number 16. Is your URL structure lean There’s some evidence that Shorter URLs perform better, but it’s likely a very small factor. The main reason for shortening Your URLs is for UX And that’s because long Urls are hard to remember and even difficult to share. So with that said, there Really are no benefits of having long URLs so cut All the fat off your URLs and leave only your Target keyword, phrases: Number 17.

Is your primary Keyword in the first sentence Now it’s extremely challenging to test micro on-page SEO factors such as placing your keyword, phrase In the first sentence, but it’s something I’ve Always personally done To me, if you want Google’s algorithm to truly understand What your page is about, then you need to make it abundantly clear, So naturally placing your Target keyword phrase in the first sentence is a Perfect way to achieve that goal, Number 18 is your keyword density to aggressive relative To your competitors, Many argue that you Shouldn’t pay attention to keyword density and I Agree for the most part, you should write your content in the most natural way possible and the density should work it’s way out.

However, it doesn’t hurt To check the competition to identify the average keyword density for your targeted keyword, phrase Just use this tool to Gather the keyword density for each competitor and Then average it out, Then just compare your current Density to that average, If you’re creating an entirely new page, then create the content. First and then adjust Just keep in mind. Keyword placement is more important than density Number 19.

Have you added variations of your primary keyword into the copy? So it’s smart to structure your pages around one primary keyword. However, you should also try to rank that page for all the closely Related variations as well One of my favorite ways to Find these keyword variations is to use ahrefs keyword explorer Just enter your primary keyword phrase and then click on also rank for Number 20. Have you added synonyms of your primary keyword into the copy? Google’s Hummingbird algorithm is designed to rank pages based on Themes not just keywords Now, while it’s important To structure your page around your primary keyword, you also need to interweave Other relevant synonyms and topics around it.

If you examine my backlinks guide, you’ll see this in action. Every single section on That page was deliberate. All I did was pull all the Ideas from answer the public and other keyword tools – And put’em on the page, So in short, your page should be answering every question and solving every problem around your targeted keyword. Phrase Just be careful not to Intermingle different intents, For example, that’s why I created a separate page for the keyword phrase buy backlinks instead of just placing That section in my guide, My backlinks guide, has Informational intent, while buy backlinks has Transactional intent So now, let’s move on to Phase four, which is content 21, is your page different and Better than your competitors, Unique is better than long Every page on your website.

That you wan na rank, needs to bring something New and fresh to the table Always approach your Content from the angle of how are we going to Make this page different than what currently exists: While adding more value Now, this is much easier. When you’re competing for informational queries, But how do you make your page unique when you’re competing For transactional queries, like Los Angeles, Criminal Lawyer, First, you need to leverage the content that is unique to your brand.

That’s going to be testimonials! Case studies and results That should be the focal point Of every effective local page, because you’re trying to persuade Searchers to become a lead, and you achieve that goal by having overwhelming social proof and establishing your brand’s authority. Second, your page’s, UX and UI needs to be better than your competitors. Now, fortunately, on the local level, most businesses aren’t Willing to invest in design.

That means there’s a Strategic advantage, if you do The other big factor that most local businesses ignore is UX Pages targeting transactional queries should be built for conversions, Or goal completions, That means forums should be above the fold and CTAs should be prominent. Thirdly, most local businesses aren’t willing to invest time or money into article production, graphic design or quality photography.

You should invest in multimedia if you’re serious, about ranking I’ve personally invested over $ 30,000 in article editing alone. It’s worth it. My last recommendation is to educate. Can you add a FAQ to the Page that makes a searcher more likely to become a lead. Can you give them accurate? Unbiased educational information that will help them make An informed decision Helping searchers and adding Value builds good will, which builds trust for your brand, And trust is the key to high conversions.

22. Is your copy free of Spelling and grammatical errors Use tools like Grammarly to find spelling and grammatical errors And the truth is Google Isn’t fond of spelling and grammatical errors? Based on what they said in their search quality, Evaluator guidelines, It also wouldn’t hurt To hire a proofreader or editor to go through your pages 23 is your copy longer on Average than your competitors Now there’s some correlation That pages, with more words, tend to perform better in Google.

It’s just really important, not To take this out of context, Your copy needs to be well Crafted and thought out Writing several thousand words of fluff content won’t do much, As I mentioned in the previous checkpoint, your copy needs to be radically different than your competitors not just longer Use this tool or Screaming Frog to see how long your competitors content is. 244. Is your copy well written, So some SEOs forget that not all writing is created equally, Just because you wrote 2000 Words doesn’t mean it’s good, Writing is a skill, and some people are Further, along than others, You really only have two options: spend thousands of hours, writing and reading to improve your ability or hire someone who already has the skill.

If you aren’t a great writer, but don’t have the budget to Hire than write the content and have an editor go Through to improve it 25, is your copy scannable Internet users scan before they read? That’s why your content needs to use all the methods available to improve the scalability of your page. This is super important For text heavy pages, like blog posts or articles, You need to use your best judgment to give this check a pass or fail.

But here’s a simple two-step process: First scan your target page That you wan na optimize then assess whether or Not a reader can get an understanding of what the page is about without reading the entire thing 26, if your copy written For an eighth grader, There are target markets that want advanced writing and content. But they are the minority. Your content should be written to be understood and actionable.

If someone can’t understand What you’re talking about and how to implement? What you’re suggesting then there’s a problem? Some experts forget that no one cares how much you know or how Much experience you have, It’s believed that we as humans are inherently self interested. We wan na know how you’re going to help us. That’s why craftier Content so that it reads at an eighth grade level: Or below is so effective, It makes your content Easier to understand easier to take action on and makes you far more relatable.

You can use Hemingway Writer to make your content easier to understand. More importantly, study The best direct response, copywriters of all time, like David Oglivy Dan Kennedy and Frank Kern and you’ll See that simple writing wins. Number 27. Is your copy? Engaging Writing at an eighth grade level or lower is the first step to Writing an engaging copy. The second step is to actually Be engaging when you write People need to consume your Content before they take action, That’s why all of these tactics in this copywriting Section are so important From an SEO perspective.

If searchers are engaging and digesting your content, that is a positive signal for your page. It will increase dwell time and, if you’ve done a good job, the searcher may complete another action, such as sharing your page Visiting another page subscribing to your list becoming a lead or even purchasing one of your products. So now the question is: how do you make your copy more engaging? Well, first, write to one reader by using pronouns such as you and yours, Second interweave relevant Stories to illustrate points, Lastly, actually know: What you’re talking about While it’s easy to fake expertise online, most readers sniff out BS Number 28.

Does your copy Use short paragraphs Long paragraphs are like the Kryptonite for internet users, ( suffocating noises, ) Massive blocks of text are one of the most repelling things. You’ll encounter online. Keep your paragraphs short and scannable. I personally wouldn’t go beyond three sentences per paragraph, and I know this isn’t what Your English teacher taught you but they’ve likely never sold Anything on the internet Number 29.

Are your headings Structured logically, Using logical paid structure won’t have a profound Affect on your performance, but it’s still a good practice. Every page should have an H1 tag and then you should follow it. With an H2 H3 H4 et cetera, Number 30 is your copy Using descriptive headings, I learned the concept Of descriptive headings from Frank Kern, In short, a reader should be Able to scan your headings and understand exactly What the content is about, Kern refers to this as Headings that tell a story.

He also mentions that Readers almost always scan content before they commit To reading the entire thing, That’s why descriptive Headings are so important. Number 31. Have you Used keyword, variations, LSI keywords or synonyms in your headings. Your H1 tag can be Similar to your title tag but other headings: Should include variations of your primary keyword? Lsis and synonyms Answer: The Public is perfect for finding these keyword.

Variations Number 32. Is your copy using bullet points and numbered lists, Use bullet points and numbered lists, as Frequently, as you can, This will break up your content and make it easier for readers. To commit to digesting it Number 33 is your copy fresh. You should review your Copy at least biannually or annually to make sure It’s still accurate Keeping your content accurate and current is critical for pleasing Google’s algorithms, This concept is mentioned countless times in Google’s search engine.

Evaluator guidelines There’s also a better ROI when You improve existing assets as opposed to creating new assets. So, let’s move onto phase five Which is image optimization So 34? Does your page have as many or more images than your competitors? Unique images make your page More interesting and engaging, and you should aim to have at Least, as many unique images as your competitors or more 35, are your images.

Unique to your website, Like writing, not all Images are created equally Always strive to have unique images and graphics on your page Now, of course, this may require Hiring a graphic designer or a photographer, but it’s A worthwhile investment because it will improve the Quality and appeal of your page Plus it’ll improve Your brand’s perception, if you put in that extra little effort 36, are your images.

High quality. Getting unique images is the first step. The second step is making sure That they’re actually good Hire a professional to take Pictures or create graphics Businesses love to cut Corners to save money, but in the long run it doesn’t Actually, save you money because low quality pictures and graphics hurt your brand’s perception. Number 37. Are you using The right image format Deciding between PNG, JPG or GIFs doesn’t have a massive Impact on SEO performance, But it can help with page loading.

Speed PNG is the highest Quality out of the three – and that means it will likely take the longest to fully load At the end of the day. Don’t worry it’s not a life or death decision Default to PNG and JPG, because They’re, the most common Number 38. Are your image? Sized appropriately, Your image should be sized And uploaded as the size that are going to appear on your page, This prevents image downsizing which will improve your Page’s loading speed 39.

Are your images compressed Using high quality Images is super important, but you also need to make sure that they are optimized for loading speed. Images are often one Of the biggest culprits of slow loading pages and The way to prevent this is to compress your images. Tools like Optimizilla are perfect, because it will show you the Image compression side by side That way, you don’t Jeopardize image quality but you’re also optimizing For loading speed Number 40: do your images Have descriptive file names? Google recommends using Descriptive file names for your images, but what does that mean? It means you should save your images based on the contents of the image.

For example, if your picture is of a 12 week old male great Pyrenees, then your file name should be 12-week-male-great-pyrenees. This will help with Your image performance Just don’t go overboard and Keyword stuff, your files, Number 41, do all of your images have descriptive and accurate Alt tag descriptions, Google, spiders use ALT tags to understand what an image is about And you should always Use descriptive, ALT tags for every image on your page.

So now, let’s move on to phase six, which is article optimization Number 42, is: does your Page have article content. Video is one of the preferred mediums of content consumption online, and it’s also one of the Best ways to engage searchers and keep them on your page for longer, which is a positive user signal. I highly highly recommend Investing in article, even if your competitor’s aren’t 43 are the articles relevant To the page/primary keyword, Like your images and copy, the article needs to be hyper.

Relevant to the page’s content Number 44. Are the articles Unique to your brand, Yes, you can go to YouTube and Embed any article on your page, but that isn’t the best Long term strategy You should be creating Your own unique articles, because it’s a great way to Improve your brand’s perception, and it’s also another way to Grow your brand’s presence on the second biggest search Engine which is YouTube Number 45, are the articles High-Quality and valuable Video content is incredibly Effective on many different fronts, when it’s High quality and valuable, Your aim should be to create The best article content you can but there’s a challenge.

You need to be decently, engaging and articulate when the camera turns on, And this takes time and a ton, a patience So either you need to put in The hours to become engaging or you need a team member who can represent your brand on article. I won’t get too deep into creating article because it’s outside The scope of this article, but one huge recommendation I have – is to script out your content.

Number 46 is the article Content responsive Your articles should be easily Viewable on all devices, YouTube, Vimeo and Wistia articles are designed to be responsive, but sometimes custom built Website can cause problems, Use this tool to test Your article responsiveness, If your article isn’t responsive you’ll, need to optimize your design. In the meantime, you can use this tool to make the articles responsive.

Number. 47. Are the articles Hosted on the right platform So deciding where to host Your articles is important both from an SEO and business perspective. From an SEO perspective. Youtube is king because it’s the biggest Article search engine by far That’s why hosting your articles on YouTube and then embedding them on Your keyword, targeted page, can have a dual effect, Meaning you can rank in Both Google and YouTube to drive maximum visibility, But if you have no interest In building a YouTube blog, then you can host your articles anywhere and still get all the benefits.

Number 48. Are the articles optimized Your article’s title? Should match the keyword your page is targeting. For example, my Anchor Text Guide features a article about anchor texts. Now, let’s move onto phase Seven, which are links Number 49, does your Page have internal links. Internal links are a powerful way to build. Your site’s authority improve your site’s Crawlabilty and index ability and help you rank other Important pages on your site Number 50.

Are your internal links using descriptive anchor text? Unlike external links, your internal links should use keyword, rich anchor text. One thing I love to do: Is run my competitors through Screaming Frog SEO Spider to get an idea of their Internal link anchor profile Number 51. Are your internal links, optimized based on the First link priority: The big factor you need to keep in mind is first link priority, and this means that Google’s algorithm likely only counts the first link/anchor text on a page and that’s the main reason why I typically avoid placing pages I’m trying.

To rank in the navigation Number 52 does the page have breadcrumbs Breadcrumbs are useful for Large or eCommerce websites, You just need to keep in mind the first link priority principle, Especially if you’re trying To rank your category pages Number 53: are your internal links useful, Injecting internal links for The sole purpose of ranking isn’t a great idea. Remember that the goal of your Page is to please the user.

Every internal link should serve a purpose or help the user in some way In general. As long as You’re linking to relevant and valuable pages, then You’ll be good to go. Number 54 are all of your internal links using preferred URLs Moving to new domains, changing URLs or installing SSL certificates. Can cause URLs to change And the end result is a redirect chain, Redirect chains force, link equity to pass through a buffer and may actually slow your page’s speed if they are excessive redirects.

You should audit your internal links to make sure they’re using Their preferred URLs Number 55. Does your Page have external links Linking out to relevant And trusted resources builds the trust of your page 56 are all affiliate sponsored or paid links using a NoFollow tag. Google states in its webmaster guidelines that all paid links should Have the NoFollow tag? A NoFollow tag is supposed To prevent page rank from following through the link Number 57 are all of your external links set to open in a new window.

Your goal should be to keep users on your site as long as possible and that’s why you should make sure all external links open in a new window. I know this is a super minor issue, but you wouldn’t believe how Often I find it in audits. Number 58. Does your Page have broken links, Broken links, hurt user experience and need to be tackled. On a frequent basis, You should audit your page And site every quarter to identify and fix broken links Screaming Frog SEO Spider Is my favorite tool for accomplishing this goal? Just click the response codes and then click the filtered dropdown and select client, 4xx and select in links and click in links to find All your broken links Number 59, are all of Your links clearly links So sometimes web design and UX can clash and deciding how to style links is often one of those challenges.

Now I’m in the camp that links Should always be underlined and should be a different Color than the body text Links are meant to be clicked on. So now it’s time for phase eight, which is user experience. Optimization Number 60 is, does you page load In less than three seconds Page speed is one of the Most important UX factors Not only can improving your page’s loading speed, help SEO performance, but it’s also a good business initiative.

I recommend both Pingdom and GTmetrix to optimize your website. Loading speed. Number 61 is your page. Responsive and mobile friendly, The majority of all web searches, will be conducted on mobile Devices in the near future: That’s why there’s no debate that your website needs to be mobile, friendly Test, your page using This tool to make sure the experience is optimal on all devices Number 62. Does your website have an SSL certificate installed? Google stated a few years.

Ago that SSL certificates would be a part of their algorithm and would also be a ranking factor. Also, Google Chrome now labels websites with the dreaded not secure label. This is a big deterrent for users and having this label could hurt both your search engine Performance and even your business, You can use this tool to Test your page’s security and SSL certificate installation Number 63. Is your font type legible and easy to read on all devices Now this is a given, but your font type should be easy to read Some of the easiest fonts To read: are Open Sans Montserrat and Playfair Display Number 64.

Is your font size large enough to be easily read on all devices Having large, readable font? Is super important on mobile and users shouldn’t have to Pinch to zoom to read your text Number 65. Does your page Use aggressive interstitials Google has stated that their algorithm will demote pages with Aggressive interstitial pop ups And honestly, I don’t blame them because they’re pretty annoying If you’re going to use Them then only load them when a user visits a second Or third page on your website, I would avoid loading them.

On mobile altogether, though, unless it’s a slide down or slide up, that can be easily closed. Number 66. Does your page Have aggressive ad placements One element that Google’s Original panned algorithm targeted was aggressive ad placements Coupled with thin content Now some businesses livelihood Depends on ad revenue, but some take it a little too far. If you wan na continue Performing well in Google, then you need to think About the user first, So the question is: does Jamming ads in their face help them achieve a goal or solve a problem that They were searching for Every SEO.

Driven page should be built to serve the user. First. Get that part squared Away and then think about how to place ads in a way that doesn’t disrupt The user’s experience So now for phase nine, which is local, and you really only need To tackle one question for on-page SEO and that’s number 67: is your address prominently displayed So if you’re trying to rank Your page in the local pack, then your address needs to be displayed.

It doesn’t need to be above the fold, but it should at least be In the body of the content or in the footer, Just be careful with placing The address in the footer, if you have multiple locations And that’s because most Footers will display site wide, which means your address. Will displayed on every page Now this isn’t an issue If you have one location, However, if you have multiple locations, then you should only display the address on the location page, that’s most relevant, So the next phase is structured.

Data Number 68. Is your address? Using structured data, Google claims that structured data isn’t a part of their algorithm and whether that’s true is tough to say, but I believe implementing Structure data correctly can only have a positive impact. On your page’s performance, So at the very minimum wrap your address with structured data to Help Google’s algorithm better understand your Page and your business Number 69 is your page Using structured data, Local businesses will likely benefit from using structured data, but it has so many other uses as well.

The good news is that many Content managing systems have structured data built in and it will do basic markup for you. This Schema plug-in works. Perfectly for WordPress Number 70 is the structured Data set up correctly, You wan na, make sure your structured data is set up correctly, once You’ve implemented it And the best tool to use is Google’s Structured Data Testing Tool. The next phase of this process – Is optimizing your page for your money, your life and EAT Number 71? Are you giving health Financial or legal advice, Many believe Google’s algorithm Update on August 1 2018, which is called the Medic Update, targeted your money, your life or YMYL types of websites and pages.

In short, any websites offering health, financial or legal advice will be under greater Scrutiny going forward And the main reason is because incorrect, unproven or inaccurate Information in these spaces can actually hurt a person. Google only wants to rank pages that have accurate information. In their search engine – And this is incredibly apparent based on how they score pages in their Search Engine Raters guidelines, So with that said, make Sure your page’s content is accurate, no matter What niche you’re in Number 72 does your page have The appropriate disclaimers – All health, financial and legal advice should be accompanied by Appropriate disclaimers, This not only protects your business, but it’s also a signal.

Of trust, for your page Number 73: does your page list and link to all sources of information Plagiarism can get you Kicked out of college, however, on the internet, Anyone can steal, copy and distribute your content and ideas, Sure it definitely sucks, but you don’t need to be The scum of the internet: Instead, when you get Information from another page that you didn’t previously Have knowledge of you should link to that page? First, it’s ethical and a Common curtesy to do so and lastly, it makes your Page far more trustworthy both for users and search engines, Number 74.

Does your blog Content have a visible author. Every informational page, like blog posts, should have a visible author Back in the day. Hiding your Identity was a common practice, but these days it will Probably hurt more than help when it comes to your SEO performance Number 75. Is the author credible and qualified to write about the topic E-A-T also known as EAT, which stands for expertise, authoritativeness, And trustworthiness has been a big topic since The August 1 Google update Some debate whether it’s Taking factor or not and debating is fun and Usually a waste of time, but I don’t think it matters either way.

A qualified person should Be writing your content and this policy can only benefit your business and SEO performance. Think about it. What Page is more valuable, Page A which is written by someone who has years of experience in X, industry or Page B, which was written by some jack of all trades. Writer you hire on Upwork, It makes logical sense. That Google is going to value content written by someone who has the qualifications to write about whatever topic it is Number 76.

Does every blog post have a detailed author box and bio? I believe every blog post Should have an author box or something similar in a Detailed bio of the author, The bio should explain why The author is qualified to write about the topic. Number 77. Does each Author have a dedicated and detailed author page Now this isn’t entirely necessary, but I think it’s worth the effort. It just adds another level Of trust to your content, Now the author, bio at The bottom of each post is just a short description of Your writer’s qualifications, but the author page, is a More detailed description, along with links to social media profiles and other articles, So this second to last phase you need to tackle are goal completions, which brings me to point number 78, which is: does the page have Clear calls to actions or CTAs Some believe that Google puts Weight onto goal completions and a goal completion is the action that a user is supposed To take on your page Now, this will largely depend on the intent of the targeted keyword phrase.

For example, if your page ranks for St. Louis Personal Injury Lawyer, two appropriate goal, completions would be contact form Submissions and phone calls Now it’s probably very hard. For Google to get this data, but it’s still a good business objective. I believe that every page on your website should have a call-to-action, And, as I mentioned, your CTA will depend on the intent of the targeted keyword.

If it’s a product page, then Your CTA will be sales driven If it’s a top of the Funnel informational asset, then your CTA may be, as Something as simple as asking the user to share Your page or leave a comment: Number 79 is the page. Shareable Social media sharing button should be prominently, displayed On informational content, because it’s more likely To be shared, if it’s good Make it as easy as possible for the user to share your content, I personally use SUMO For most of my websites, but there are many good options out there And finally, the last on-page SEO phase is optimizing.

Your design And user interface – And you only need to ask one: Question which is number 80 is the website, design, modern and updated. Some websites need serious facelifts and it’s a good investment to continually upgrade your site’s Design to keep it modern, Striking a balance between design and UX is critical from an SEO perspective, so take it seriously So wow that was super intense, but I didn’t want to leave Any stone left unturned, So if you got value from This training article, please leave a comment: Below saying awesome and don’t forget to like Subscribe and hit the bell button because you’ll get first access to new articles like this in the future.

Thank you. So much for reading and I’ll see you in the next article

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